arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


goin to the club....ehh i'm back from the little "club" adventure with my brother.

after i got my muffin and some gas, we picked up nikki and umm....went to the place. its in chester!!!! haha the town is called chester....whatever. yeah it took like an hour to get there. blah. but then we got there and my brothers chick wasnt there so we had to wait and was cold out! and she came and we went inside and they disappeared off into one of those lil rooms where you have sex or whatever and me and nikki ummm well we went to the bathroom where i opened the door on someone HAHA. i hated everyone there. so it's ok. the bands were pretty bad! haha this place was culture i should've known. so hmm yeah anyway...the first band had like a freakin 13 year old in it. haha. HAHAHAHHAHAHAH. ummm the second band was really just a guy playing an acoustic guitar like.....on the floor or something cuz we couldnt see him! BUT HE SANG A JIMMY EAT WORLD SONG!!! and i have no fuckin idea what it's called but umm it's the one that goes take your steps away with hesitance, take your steps away from me. you know it. i feel so bad now. that's one of my favorite bands and.....yeah. i could just check the cd. but i won't. because well that would be cheating my friends! AND I AM QUITE TIRED! as you can tell. so anyway....yeah....bands bands bands....some people that were ummm....whats the word? when you can't tell what sex they are? haha. androgynous or something. i think i blew it. oh well! so anyway all the people there were either hot topic losers or weird emo kids. yes, people, WEIRD emo kids. is that an oxymoron or something? but uhm....these emo kids were not good looking or friendly looking. not my type! haha. basically it sucked. but we went to mcdonalds? and those fuckin hot topic kids were there too. they're polluting the fucking universe i swear. WE MUST PUT A STOP TO IT!!!! AHHH!!!

so then....we left at 11:30 and started coming home and started snowing like crazy!!! so bad i couldn't see. and well we nearly died and umm but then it stopped and we're all okay! thank god. but we're back! hurray! it was a pretty shitty night. so...yeah bye bye!

1:49 a.m. - 2003-01-11


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