arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


30 seconds to mars....BLAH

ok.....i hafta apologize in advance to the band 30 seconds to mars. because...well.....they don't deserve this. but i'm cranky god dammit and well they happened to be on the tv 2 minutes ago so they are my latest target.

so jared leto's the lead singer. remember him? from my so called life or whatever fucking show it was?? well whatever. so he thinks he's sexy. and he may well be. but...he has this awful brown long hair thats like fucking....blonde underneath?? i don't get it!! and it's got no noticeable anywhere...i think it defies...gravity or something. it's always in his fucking face, and he is ALWAYS shaking his head to remove it from his face. hey asshole...GET A HAIRCUT! or at least a fucking headband. so anyway, these dickwads come on jay leno with their stupid up arrows all over their clothes and sing another godawful song from their piece of shit album which is (very creatively) titled 30 seconds to mars. so...where was i? oh yeah. they SUCK! they sound like....well the loser actor guy (who looks like a young, doped up gavin rossdale with AIDS) sounds like...well he kinda sounds like chino from the deftones! uses those same stupid voice effector things. I HATE THOSE! just fucking sing you motherfucker!!

you may think i'm out of line. after all, i only saw them on jay leno for 4 minutes, i could have turned it off. yeah....well guess who fucking opened for incubus at the concert from hell back in september?? yep thats right dipshit and his psychedelic arrow friends. i hadn't heard them before that, except one of those stupid commercials they show for shit bands on mtv2 like oh please go buy this record at target or some damn place because this band is really crappy and can't sell records any other way! and lets face it, in 30 seconds its hard to tell how bad a band really is. they sounded, to me, kinda like a bad incubus clone. so of course they should be torturing us before the incubus concert. OF COURSE!

so yeah....assholes come out...and totally fact, they suck so bad i leave. this NEVER happens! i do not leave my spot when a band is playing. well actually thats a lie, back in november during that fucking 8 hour saddle creek show (in which i watched 8 hours full of other bands from nebraska or other equally univiting places in order to get to the big payoff....bright eyes, and then have to leave as SOON as conor managed to drag his sorry drunk ass on the stage) i left during azure ray, because they were mind numbingly BORING and i had to piss, call my dad, and cry in peace. but ANYWAY back to 30 seconds from mars. yeah. they made it quite evident to the whole place that they were having "technical difficulties". apparently this was supposed to make us believe that under normal circumstances, this band would sound just terrific, but because of those asshole sound techs or whatever, they sounded like shit. i'm willing to bet they told that crock of shit to every fucking teenybopper crowd on that whole incubus tour. not that they had to, those mindless morons would scream at anything that looked like it might have a dick. anyways....after about 3 songs i could no longer take the agony so i left my poor brother there to suffer and took a trip down to the bathroom. where i proceeded sick. actually i went into a stall, and tried for about ten minutes to puke because i honestly had to. (we ate at friendlys before, BAD idea!) i couldn't, but i made a bunch of awful gagging noises, i think i scared some of the stupid teenyboppers out of there...anyway....then i remained in the bathroom until i was sure i was not going to puke (i wasnt going down all those fucking steps again) but i also made sure i waited until the muffled noise stopped. i hid in the bathroom! from those fucks!

i think i've run out of steam. i'm in a shit mood and i hate 30 seconds to mars. stick to acting! and stay away from brandon.

this whole entry probably doesn't make sense...oh well. :(

12:39 a.m. - 2003-01-18


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