arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


an incredibly detailed account of my day!

i feel like complaining. but i won't cuz there's really no reason. HAH! my life doesn't suck. nope. i just like to pretend it does.

ok well i won't complain i'll just....explain. yep.

it's that time of month (year!!!!!) again....and....ahh. i'm so moody it's terrible. so just be warned....

i was up till 3 last night writing my paper. i finished it though, and decided i still wasn't going to class because....well....i didn't want to. so i just emailed it to my teacher, so he didn't think i was skipping just so i could not hand in the paper. which he wouldn't think anyway, because he knows i'm cool like that. but anyway...he just emailed me back...the paper isn't due till wednesday. the wednesday AFTER spring so evil. but i guess it's mostly done now, so that's a plus? the midterm's still due on thursday, and i haven't even started it.

i went to my exploring the universe class today, expecting a test. there was none, it's on wednesday. but he gave out review sheets on friday (when of course i skipped) and i asked him for copies and he said go to his office later but i left right after class and don't know where his office is anyway so i don't have the review sheets. and i'm incredibly lost. and i don't feel bad anymore cuz i know i'm not the only one. dana told me she took that class and was totally confused but still passed. i know i'll pass, i'm not worried about that, but....i have this thing that like i have to do well. that's good i guess. but i guess if i do well in every other class, then a c or whatever in this class won't be so bad. it will lower my gpa though!!! and i like my gpa. actually, i love my gpa. i want to make love to my gpa. mmmmm....

i got home from school at like 10:30 and printed out the piano tab for konstantine and played it forever. like until my brother got home at 2. i can play it! or well....i can play the entire left handed part, and i can play the entire right handed part. just not together! and not always in tempo. but the lil metronome thingie helps me with that! i'm pretty proud of myself considering.....i don't play piano. hah!

i guess around 2:30 i went to sleep....until like 5:30. then i went to work, without eating. so i'm pretty hungry. work was ok, but i got asked to work tomorrow. and i don't wanna. i have a midterm, that universe test and...probably other stuff. plus....american idol and smallville! and brian's closing and he likes to keep us waiting for nooooo reason and....yeah.

now i'm home and i should probably do some work cuz no ones online to talk to me:(

9:45 p.m. - 2003-03-10


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