arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


i maryland

i won't make this too long i suppose, since i don't know if it will actually save since andrew is still having his server issues. DAMN YOU ANDREW!

nah. he's still my idol.

uhh...i'm in maryland. it's warm. i love it. i'm gonna go see if i can find a computer in here that has aim cuz i wanna talk to people *whimper* ok it saved, so now i am editing and continuing. yesterday, i had to wake up around 7:30...which sucked. i went out to breakfast with my family, then me and christie left for the shower around 11. it was in yorktown heights, and we got there around 12. melissa was supposed to show up at 12:30.

now let me describe my relationship with melissa, the girl who the baby shower was for. I DON'T HAVE ONE. she's my sister's friend. she used to live down in maryland, now she lives up in new york. i met her about a year and a half ago and we bowled and went out to dinner with a bunch of people. then i saw her a few other times because she was one of the bridesmaids in my sisters wedding. but...i don't know her. and i wasn't even invited to the shower, christie just brought me so we could leave for maryland right after it. so i didn't fit in at all. but christie didn't really either, and neither did my sister's friend eileen, so we all were loser-like together. it was in a chinese restaurant, and i don't like chinese food, but i'm a good sport, so i choked down some god-awful steamed chicken and some rice. we didn't get out of there till 4pm.

the drive down here wasn't so bad. i got to hear my sister sing the new good charlotte song!!!! holy shit i don't think i've EVER laughed so hard...she only knew three words, that part where he goes don't wanna be you, don't wanna be just like you. she just knew the just like you part, and she sang it so loud everytime. apparently it's in one of her husbands skateboarding games:)

we listened to the radio for awhile, since we got krock. they played "sex type thing" by stp and my sister insisted that it was a cover version of a smashing pumpkins song. then she realized she was thinking of weird al. haha

i listened to some bright eyes too, but got sick of it and turned it off. that's right people, you read it right. i got sick of CONOR and turned him OFF. i don't know why. it was too depressing, and....whatever. so i turned on the ataris. now THAT is appropriate i'm-going-on-spring-break-even-if-its-only-to-visit-my-sister-woohoo! music.

we got here around 8:30, and went to see the movie willard at 10:00. i think i embarrassed them, i was in total awe of their theater. the only theater i really go to is attached to our mall, and its really crappy. this theater was amazing. it had steps in the theaters, the rows went up! it was crazy.

willard may very well be the creepiest movie i have ever seen. whoa it was weird. rats and...ahh! but i really liked it. it was intriguing. and kenny got shushed!

we got home and i went to sleep cuz i was very much tired. then i woke up around 9:30 and me and christie painted and watched remember the titans! it was my choice, haha. i saw they had it and i was super excited. later, we went grocery shopping, then we ate. we had corned beef and cabbages and potatoes and carrots and really good soda bread (which i helped make, by the way!)

then around 5:00 we left to go to the metro station. we took a metro to dc to go to the improv club. there was a cute boy on the train! we got to the improv and ate, and they had chocolate cake...which was good. the first comic (i guess he was just the announcer guy) was really funny. he's a math teacher! ahh....the second guy had cerebral palsy and like walked really funny but he was good too. the headliner was some guy named robert schimmel who apparently i was supposed to have heard of. he started off kinda slow, but then he started talking about sex and stuff so it got better. we're back. and i just got attacked by my sisters cat. like...majorly. for no reason, too! she just scratched my face. i was bleeding a lot, but it stopped. she somehow also got me inside my mouth, even though it was closed. so i was bleeding from there, too. but it didn't even hurt that much, so it's ok. i'll just have big blotchy scratches on my face. there's three that are kinda visible. some of my gum actually got ripped off. hmmm...i'm not gonna touch that cat anymore.

that was probably more detail than anyone has ever wanted to know about my life, so i'll spare you anymore and just go to bed:)

11:50 p.m. - 2003-03-16


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