arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


i thiefed krammy's survey!

1. What is your full name?
stacie lyn walker

2. Marilyn Manson or Destiny's Child?
destiny's child. (i'm dead serious...marilyn manson rubs me the wrong way)

3. When was the last time you showered?
this morning at 6:30.

4. What song are you listening to?
something corporate - little

5. What was the last thing that you said?
i said "pretty good" to this annoying girl sitting next to me in my music class.

6. What is next to you right now?
a mirror, a closet...a bunch of shit

8. What are the last 4 digits of your phone number?

9. What was the last thing that you ate?
a cracker with peanut butter on it

10. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
light brown

11. Where would you go on your honeymoon?
probably nowhere since...i dont want a wedding. but...canada is always a good choice

12. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with?
someone who loves me

13. Do you have a lava lamp?
yeahhh krammy gave it to me!

14. How many buddies on your messenger list?
uhh....some embarrassingly small number. 34. and i talk to about...5 people.

15. How is the weather right now?
oh man it's so beautiful

16. Have you ever smoked pot?

17. What did you do last night?
i made a totally rad something corporate cd with all their old stuff and unreleased stuff. and...i watched tv, which like never happens!

18. Last person that you talked to on the phone?
haha oh dear...katie...on saturday

19. What are things that a guy would have to have for you to go out with them?
well he would have to be nice, and he would have to like me?

20. Who do you admire?
lots of people...anyone who can do something i can't do...i'm trying to think of someone...i think i've always admired dave grohl, for some reason. oh....JOSH JOPLIN!!!! because...he performed to a bunch of people who were LOUDLY mocking him and he just smiled and ignored them and kept going, he didn't throw a tantrum (like conor...haha). plus, he was super nice to me. and he was talented. and he has guts. so yeah. him.

21. Fave actor/actress?
leonardo dicaprio and ed norton....hmm...i don't think i have a favorite actress. actually i kinda like drew barrymore for some reason.

24. Fave m&m?
peanut butter!

25. Who makes you happy?
anyone who spends time with me, talks to me, makes me laugh, or makes me feel loved in any way.

26. Fave CD's?
sigur ros - (), ataris - so long, astoria, bright eyes - letting off the happiness, cursive - art is hard, thursday - full collapse, muse - showbiz, white stripes - white blood cells, nin - pretty hate machine, radiohead - ok computer, maybe i should stop now...

27. Dream dates?
uhh...we'd go to a concert. something good. like bright eyes. so we could make out. or the ataris, so we could go insane.

28. Nicknames?

29. Age, hair color and eye color?
18 (i'm almost 19 though!), brownish, dark dark green/brown

33. Do you wear contacts?
no i wear glasses though

34. Siblings and their age?
christie - 26, randy - 17

35. Who do you consider to be your close friends?
sadly, i one to be my close friend. because...well. yeah. sorry.

36. What do you like to do?
go to shows, listen to music....i love bowling!

38. Dream car?
anything a little smaller than mine. and dark blue.

39. Have you ever won any special awards?
uhh honorable mention in the 5th grade science fair?

40. What do you want to be when you grow up?
a music journalist

41. What are your future goals?
i just wanna be happy. or somewhat happy. happy some of the time. i'd like to have someone to be happy with, too. and a friend. at least one. would be nice.

42. Fave music?
i'll listen to anything if it's good. but mostly...emo/folky/hardcore/pop-punk...yeah that TOTALLY narrows it down

43. Who is the funniest person that you know?
my brothers friend dane cracks me up...

45. Fave movies?
american history x, this is spinal tap, rushmore

46. Fave mini-series?
i dont think i've ever seen one?

47. Favorite month?

48. Favorite girls perfume?
i don't know any perfumes...

49. Fave guy's cologne?
don't know those either

50. Do you like to dance?
not in public!

51. Fast or slow? a crackhead..yep

53. If you could change your name what would it be?
i wouldn't....i would change the stupid people that can't seem to spell it right even when they're STARING RIGHT AT IT!!!! i don't like my last name though.

54. Worse illness you ever had?
i had pneumonia when i was a baby and almost died. i had it again last year, but just FELT like i was gonna die.

55. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
yeah i have a big winnie the pooh

56. Have you ever been in love?

57. What is the worst thing you have ever done?
oh i have no idea...i've lied to my mom so many times...but only because she's insane...i was mean as hell in middle school...i've never done anything SUPER bad though...

58. What will your first daughter's name be?
i like the name meredith. or serena

59. First son?
adrian. and don't tell me it's a fucking girls name. its NOT!

60. Favourite drink?
i'm addicted to apple juice

61. Do you like scary or happy movies better?
wtf is a happy movie? i like GOOD movies.

62. On the phone or in person?
in person

63. Night or day?

65. Lust or love?

66. Kisses or hugs?

68. Who do you like right now?
oh do i really need to list em? or well...there's not really a list. it's mostly kevin. and andrew, but i don't think he counts:)

69. What do you think of this survey?
i think it's OVER

11:32 a.m. - 2003-03-25


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