arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


you dirty little fuck!

i just turned on mtv2, and there's a show on called videos to have sex to. they are currently playing 'closer' by nine inch nails.

it's a bit depressing, since i am not having sex while watching these videos, but on another note...who the fuck wants to have sex while watching the video for closer?? this video made me puke once...

i'm trying to think of a good video to have sex to...and i can't. if 'lover i don't have to love' had a video...maybe that! but...yeah that song....turns me on! and i'm sure you care. it's a bright eyes song, by the way.

oh...maybe the all american rejects video! because the lead singer is sexy!

yeah i just made myself laugh out loud....haha!

there's pictures of conor and winona ryder in the spin magazine i got today...they're in the parking lot of a holiday inn kissing, and conor's holding a room key and this huge bottle of wine. so yeah, that made me laugh pretty hard. mainly because i was thinking of how much that would have pissed me off like...a month or 2 ago. i care about the stupidest things sometimes! all the time...

so yeah...there was a radiohead article in there too, and an all american rejects article. plus an article on saddle creek, so that means an interview and pictures of conor, which is always nice.

new radiohead june 10!

why do i never have anything interesting to say????

uhh....i slept till 1:30, and when i woke up i felt like shit and had a fever. my mom wanted me to call in, but i didn't...i still don't feel all that well, but watching 3 episodes of that 70's show did improve my mood!

i don't have to work again at michael's till that's good...

haha i kinda totally forgot that i went out last night!

i was at my gramma's at like 9:45, just stopping by for a visit, and my cell phone rings and it's fucking tyne! TYNE! the last time i saw her was in december for like 2 mins...but yeah, she wanted me to go out with her and her friends. so...i was all scared but i went anyway. they told me to meet them at the diner, so i did...and we had water! and...her boyfriend was there, his name is phil and apparently he was the one i met in december, since he remembers me! this kid i went to high school with was there too, which was strange because...him and tyne are definitely very different people and it's kinda strange that they're friends now...another girl named jessica was there too, and she liked my purse. so yeah...basically i felt completely out of place while they talked about all of their inside jokes and other people they knew...then jessica left...and we stayed there awhile, then went outside so ray could smoke and then i started talking and stuff so all was well. then they decided they wanted to go to denny's, so ray and phil went in one car and i took tyne in mine. and we had water at denny's! and nikki called me and i talked to her till my phone died. after awhile, we left.

surprisingly, i had a good time! everyone was nice and was acting like i was their friend or something, it was strange. and her boyfriend kept poking me and when i was on the phone with nikki he was rubbing my arm which was strange....but whatever!

in other news, i got american idol tickets last night!!! me, my dad, and my brother will be seeing clay on august 4 in albany. we're in almost the last row of the highest section the most far away from the stage but....that's basically all that was left.

i am currently listening to thom moan and squeal....haha...

goodnight, i guess...

12:44 a.m. - 2003-05-29


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