arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


Totally Random

It's been a weird day. Driving home from school I just had all these totally random memories flood my mind. One was the Bright Eyes show last April, when Conor was acting like a drunken idiot. (The key word there is acting, I think.)

Then I for some reason started thinking about the time when my sister and her boyfriend went down to NYC to see Nine Inch Nails. I was in 5th grade then, so it was 1994, right before Christmas. The phone rang at my house around 9:00 PM or so, and I answered it. I knew that they had gone down to the city to see NIN, so when I heard my sister on the other end I was confused. The fact that she was crying scared the shit out of me. Honestly, my first thought what that she had been shot. I don't know why. Right after that, I realized that it was probably Stef who got shot, but all she said (while crying) was that she wanted to talk to Dad. So I was left hanging.

What had happened was that when they got to Grand Central, her boyfriend had felt so sick that they had decided to just chill for awhile and then see if he could make it to the concert. But then he passed out, which freaked the fuck out of my sister. They had to call and ambulance and shit, and take them to some hospital, and turns out his lung had collapsed.

I'm sick of telling this story, and I'm about to watch Jackass, therefore I'm going to go. I just thought it was weird that something like that would pop into my head for absolutely no reason.

Hey...someone come see Vaux with me, dammit!

4:06 p.m. - 2003-11-03


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