arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


Things I'm thankful for

Oooh, here it comes, the big entry on what Stacie is thankful for!

If you didn't catch that, when I say Stacie I mean me. And also, this is stuff that I am thankful for at this current moment, so stuff I have been thankful for in the past might not be included because if I wrote everything I was ever thankful for in my life it would be long and I don't have time for that, so don't be offended.

I am thankful for:

My mom for letting me live here despite the fact that I have a horrible facial deformity (lol) and making sure I do everything I have to do and pays for basically everything I need...she's annoying sometimes but overall she's pretty awesome.

My dad for just being awesome. He helps pay for my school and car and stuff and is always so cool to me.

My brother for being around when I need someone, and keeping my company at times.

My grandmother for never saying anything bad about me ever. I think she's the only one I know who truly does the unconditional love thing.

My sister for always letting me stay with her if I need to get away, and all the nice talks we have!

My cousins Jim and Michelle who I never get to see but are totally awesome, and I miss them.

Kenny for acting out porn with me and making me laugh harder than I ever have.

Ashley for going to see Thursday with me! (I think we are each others heroes for that one)

Erin for being the one person at school that I talk to and not making me feel like a total loser.

Paul for attempting to keep my mother sane...even though it doesn't work.

Pacman and Dan for being the only people I talk to online that I don't know in real life...woo!

The OC for giving me something to look forward to every week (and making my dreams come true last night when the 2 guys made out!)

My cats for being awesome and cute and cuddly.

Travis (and Fran's pink mohawk) for getting me through the past 3 weeks which for some reason really sucked royally.

The Strokes (adorable bastards) for making me look forward to every Tuesday last month.

Thursday for just being awesome...Tom in particular because he is so great to the kids and makes them feel like they matter, Geoff because of his amazing lyrics, and Andrew because he IS MY HERO!

The people at the car dealership by the mall because they FINALLY FIXED MY CAR!

Karaoke Revolution for providing me endless entertainment (until I lost my voice)

I'm just gonna stop there because it's getting out of hand! But yeah, I am thankful for all of those things/people. And moving on...

Last night our plans got kinda fucked, but Randy and I went Christmas shopping at the mall, which basically just consisted of us buying gift certificates for Kenny's dad's birthday party on Saturday, and for Kenny's (my sister's husband Kenny) birthday which was last week. My sister and him are coming up tonight. It better not interfere with my viewing of Conan tonight, because THURSDAY ARE ON YAY! haha...too much excitement, I apologize.

Ashley and Kenny came over around 9 and we watched the OC and the sound went out on it for like 10 minutes and I was devastated. After that we played karaoke and we all basically sucked. I need my voice back. But my dad sang Complicated and saved the whole evening.

Now it's Thanksgiving and I already did my mom's work so now I have to do my school work. Really bad. Tomorrow I basically have no time since I have to hang with my sister in the morning, and then in the afternoon me and Randy are heading down to the city (on the biggest fucking shopping day of the year...) to see Brand New and Straylight. Saturday, the morning will be with my sister and the afternoon is at Kenny's dad's party, and Sunday there is a Lizzie McGuire marathon on that I simply cannot miss. I'm just kidding, but Sunday is a whole day of schoolwork. Yuck. But in 2 weeks or something I'll be done and all will be well. I hate papers and chemistry tests and all that. I've worked my ass off this semester and my grades are gonna be my worst yet. This totally blows.

The Strokes were on Conan Tuesday and he actually had them come over to the couch when they were done and he asked them questions and they were so nervous, it was the most adorable thing I've ever seen. I realize this has nothing to do with anything. But I think my life would be a lot cooler if I had at least 3 Strokes on my bed right now. That's all I'm saying. Gotta do it. I will spend the rest of my Thanksgiving making love to my chemistry book.

12:22 p.m. - 2003-11-27


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