arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


all hail the dead guy

so it's february 20th, kurt cobain's birthday.

and my brother's girlfriend sarah, the genius that she is (she's the one who thinks war protesters are stupid...) believes that everyone who likes nirvana should have an entry about that today.

and she is the voice of reason around here so i better do it!

here's the thing....3 years ago maybe i would have cared that it's kurt's birthday. but i don't now.

i mean....this guy killed himself 9 years ago and everyone is still kissing his ass.

and i don't need the speech on how he was murdered or whatever....that's just silly.

whether he was murdered or he killed himself, he had attempted suicide it's obviously something he wanted.

which bothers me since he did have a little girl that he apparently loved more than anything....yet after she was born he continued using drugs, escaping rehabs, and then eventually trying to kill himself. that's a great way to treat your daughter....if your dad did that to you, how would you feel about him?

i feel really bad for kurt, because i think he was a nice guy and he made a few wrong decisions that fucked up his life. but i cant dwell on it forever! and now people make him out to be some sort of american icon when the truth is nirvana weren't that great of a band. they weren't bad, and they helped good rock music get back into the mainstream but if kurt was still alive, nirvana would be nowhere near as popular as they are now. 14 year old kids wouldn't be worshipping a dead drug addict...

i don't think i'm done but i have to go to school now....happy birthday kurt!

7:19 a.m. - 2003-02-20


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