arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


Someone go bomb the Roseland...

I'm sick. The sickest I've been in a long time. Probably since I had pneumonia 2 years ago. Yuck.

My sister and her husband came up. She's pregnant. And I'm not supposed to tell anyone. Oops.

I didn't want to go to the Brand New/Straylight show yesterday because I felt like utter crap. But I couldn't stand the thought of sitting at my grandmother's all day either. So we decided to go at the last minute. We actually ended up on the same train as Kenny and Ashley anyway. We walked to the Roseland. In the rain. Probably not the best idea. The line was the biggest I've ever seen it. We got there and the doors were already supposed to be open, but they weren't. The line moved very slowly, and when were back around the other side of the Roseland, we could hear Straylight Run playing inside. We were all very pissed off. This means like half of the people weren't inside in time to hear the first band play. This always happens at the Roseland. One of the many reasons why I hate the Roseland. Randy was super pissed. We thought about leaving, but didn't. We got inside, another band was playing. Randy bought things. I nearly passed out. I went to the bathroom. We sat down. Brand New came on and we watched them. Not too exciting. They stopped in the middle of a song because they thought some guy wanted to get out. How embarrassing for that guy. He must've felt really cool after that.

One of the reasons I went was I had this weird feeling that someone cool was gonna show up and I would miss it, and it actually happened! It wasn't the person I expected, but Chris Carrabba came out and sang Teenage Dirtbag with Jesse and then they kissed. And when they were singing 70x7 John came out and sang it with him. John and Jesse singing 70x7 = VERY COOL! And the part where Jesse usually sings There's No I in Team, he sang....uhh...a Straylight song whose name escapes me. Yeah. And I'm pretty sure Michelle was one of the 2 girls who sang with them on the other song. I don't remember what they sang. Oh well.

We left, took a cab, and made the 11:02 train. There was some mad drama with a guy who told a drunk kid with jeans that he had nice pants...that was kinda interesting. But other than that, the night pretty much blew and I didn't get to see the band I wanted and the Roseland still sucks and I don't plan on going there ever again.

Last night our power went out. That has nothing to do with anything. It's back, obviously. My dad has left for Myrtle Beach. We had breakfast with my sister around 9:30 and then they left and I went back to sleep. I got up around 4. I want to die.

I was supposed to go to Kenny's dad's party tonight, but I don't feel well enough, so I should probably get some schoolwork done if I can. I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving...

4:13 p.m. - 2003-11-29


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