arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


i don't wanna change so you better give up

i woke up around 12 today...not too bad i guess.

picked up randy and kenny at 2. kenny came home with us and immediately came into my room to play the (amazing) emo game. and there was some issues but eventually he won. and then....randy wanted to go to the mall but...he was in his room playing his xbox live or whatever. so we had to wait. so we played with cuddles! footstool got broken. cuz we were gettin so rowdy! haha....umm NO. was already kinda broken. i just finished the job. yep.

so eventually we get to the mall. i buy the simple plan cd. i feel....kinda dirty. but im listening to it now and kinda ya know...boppin my head and crap. oh well!

then...we somehow ended up at american eagle where i got 2 pairs of BOYS boot cut corduroys. they were only $8.97!! one pairs maroon the others navy. kenny got pants too. hmmm....then we went to cvs where i got cherry 7up YUM! and jolly ranchers (i told kenny they were for my oral fixation....this seemed to trouble him!) then....i dunno i think we left. whatever. we got here....and kenny came into my room to watch the incubus dvd that he just desperately needed to watch for some reason....i didn't mind cuz i got to see brandon. and there is NEVER a time when that is a bad thing.

after this...well my brother was gone for awhile....and...we just kinda sat in here....and....he listened to some of my mp3s...and i played downhill dilly oh my god...there was memories...and then...i brought him home.

around 7:45 my mom starts bitching how my dad isnt home yet to take her work to i have to do it. i get gas and bring her shit there and come back. i taped friends so i could watch it when i got back. i left around 8 and got back at 8:30....and my moms flipping cuz it didnt take me long enough...she thinks i was speeding. (she doesnt know i stopped for gas too...shh!) so yeah. that was dumb. my dad got home...and then...i don't know. i saw part of the nfg concert and the dude has like....fucking bangs now. HAHAHA. better than the vanilla ice thing he had goin on before.

i think i'm bored. well actually i know it. but i'm beginning to dread starting school on tuesday. :(

i'm gonna put my schedule here!!! oh it is! (this is how bored i am!)


9-9:50 exploring the universe

11:30-12:20 freshman composition II


8:30-9:45 introduction to animal life

10-11:15 the world of music


9-9:50 exploring the universe

10-11:15 elementary spanish I

11:30-12:20 freshman composition II


8:30-9:45 introduction to animal life

10-11:15 the world of music

11:30-12:20 freshman composition II


9-9:50 exploring the universe

10-11:15 elementary spanish I

yeah it's all early mornings....but i get out early! so that's good.

i guess i'm about done....

12:33 a.m. - 2003-01-17


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