arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


my bad day....

so i set my alarm for 8:25 today. it went off. i unplugged it and went back to sleep. until about....11...i think. 11:30 maybe. then.....i think i cleaned my room. and....stuff. then i get a phone call from michaels at like 3:45 asking me if i can come in until 8. so i do. cuz i'm just so nice! but i hadnt eaten anything yet and my mom was harrassing me to eat a poptart but i didnt want one! so yeah i didn't even get a break at sad! i did eat a jolly rancher though? i'm home. and still hungry. has not been a good day! when i left for work, i put on my jacket really quick and then i get in the car and something smells really bad! like....AWFUL. and i'm is that? and after i'm driving for awhile i realize its ME! was the jacket. i dont know what the smell is...i'm guessing some sort of...thing that came from the cats....i don't even wanna know what it was so bad. so i had to take it off, and all i'm wearing is a tank top and this thin lil zipper thing over it and i don't know if you realize this but its about.....negative ten thousand degress outside. so that was bad. and of course they stick me on register 2, right near the broken exit door that takes like 20 minutes to close. fabulous.....

but that's not all! while driving to work, my car stalls. like.....just dies. at a stop sign...i managed to get it started again but on the way home the fucker died at the light leaving the shopping center. and there was a green arrow and people behind me were beeping and i was like AHH! i had my caution lights on and was trying to motion for them to go around me but it was probably a bunch of stupid grammas.

ok i must interrupt my story to say that scarey (my brothers cat) just puked in the box that i'm making...FUCKING CAT!!!!! i had all the supplies for the the box. and they have cat puke on them....fuck fuck fuck.

so car stalls, but i do manage to get it started again, but i hear awful rattling and scraping noises all the way home.....NOT GOOD! but i did get home phew. so....looks like i get to take the pathfinder to school tomorrow! i love the pathfinder:)

i just tried to clean up the puke and almost got sick myself....hmm.

but i wouldnt have anything to throw up except some sprite i had this morning....and....oh jolly rancher chunks.

finally listened to the first juliama theory cd. I LIKE IT! very nice.

8:37 p.m. - 2003-01-20


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