arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


my first day..

so i just got back from my first day of school....

i woke up 30 seconds before my alarm went off this morning. it was weird. and then when my alarm did go off, it was real quiet. like....there was no way, if i was really sleeping, that it would've woken me up. was a miracle! so yeah its 7am....and i had to take a shower last nite since other people in my house get the bathroom priority at that time:( so my hairs like...a mess. but it feels nice....yeah. i have something quick to eat. and go to school in the pathfinder. I MISS THAT CAR MAN! was hard driving it! after..not driving it in over 3 months. the steering wheel is so sensitive and i kinda forgot that making sharp turns in that mofo is a BAD idea. and when youre going 65 it feels like youre going about 15. it's just weird. but i did survive...forgot my parking pass but oh well. i guess no one caught me! my first class, intro to animal life, has fucking 500 people in it, no joke. every seat was filled! the teacher was like...i feel like im at a rolling stones concert. and yeah he had a snake, only it wasn't a snake, it was a legless lizard. mmhmm....and he told us how he broke one once. so class seems alright. if it wasnt at fucking 8:30 in the morning, it might actually be good.

so he lets us out a little after 9 since its the first day, and i drag my freezing self all the way over to the administration building (it's only like a 5 minute walk) to endorse my loan check or whatever. there's a long line....and i got on line behind this guy with some weird hair and then someone he knows gets on line behind me, and theyre talking, and i feel weird cuz like yeah i'm in between them. but that shit taken care of...and sat in the warmth for awhile until i had to go to...the world of music. i found the place alright. the room is so small and theres tons of people in this class too...and the chairs were uncomfy and had no desk things! but he talked about....the rolling stones too! actually just mick jagger. and we watched madonna...ride a cow....on video. it was interesting. and he told us to never say music is good or bad. say you like it or dont like it. i was like...right on old crazy man!

and so now i'm home. the second i walk in the door my mom is screaming at me.'s only noon....i don't really have any plans for the rest of the day...except picking up my brother and then going to work at 6...if those even count. i'm gonna go eat some lunch now....bye bye!

12:01 p.m. - 2003-01-21


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