arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


this day.....was pure and utter shit has been not so hot!

i slept late. it was soooo cold in my house i almost froze in the shower and after i got out. BRR! at about 8, my mom starts screaming that i should have left already for my 9am class. this is because it snowed last nite. i didn't know this. oh well. the snow was about an inch and a half. big deal. the thing is....when this happens, i don't have to leave any earlier. i leave early everyday, so i never have to change what time i leave despite the circumstances. my college is 28 minutes away, and i always leave 50-55 minutes before a class. so, i do not need to leave any earlier.

anyway, i go out and clean my car, and my poor hands are soooo cold....but i get going (with my mom peering out the window) and i go about 10 feet before my car stalls. yes, the same car that went to the shop and was returned with a weird look like...nothings wrong with yer car dumbass. mkay. so i just start it again and continue on my way. i get to the first stop sign on my street and it stalls again. and this time, it decides it doesn't wanna start. and theres someone behind me, and im waving for them to go since i'm stuck, but theyre stupid and just stay there beeping at me. ahhh. finally they went around me. after a few minutes the fucker started but i just turned it around and drove home. so my mom is STILL peekin out the window....i have to clean off the other car (aka the death trap) and drive in that. so again im freezing my ass off and finally i leave by 8:20. the neighborhood roads are shit but all the other roads i took were fine. of course, about 5 minutes into the trip my windshield gets dirty so i try to spray that fluid stuff on it. but i guess i'm almost out or something since it just kinda dribbled i tried just running the wipers....NOT a good idea. all the dirt just got smudged around and i couldnt see anything. especially when facing the sun....oh god it was bad. then my fuckin weezer cd started skipping on el scorcho. OH THE HUMANITY!

so i survive the trip to new paltz and have a lil difficulty getting into the parking space. i'm there in plenty of time, so i call my mom and then am called by my dad. on the walk to class, my feet get soaked from snow since no one has shoveled the walkways or whatever, and i'm only wearing those thin canvas converse things with holes in them. i get to my class and someone is in my seat! so i just went one row down. the kid that usually sits next to me (and by next i mean 3 seats away - it's a pretty empty class) came down and sat near me again. but not 3 seats away just one. i felt like my personal space was being invaded. i didn't even like him 3 seats away. there were plenty of spots but he's gotta be right next to me....ahh.....if i didn't know any better (and trust me, i do) i'd think he's stalking me or something. bah.

so the old crazy dude blabs about the greek people who did astronomy and crap. and then...we get to leave. but i don't have another class till 11:30 and it's not even 10. so i sit down in the lecture center and its FREEZING. i had to read 120 pages for my class at 11:30. i saved it because i knew i'd have the hour and 20 mins of free time. i don't have confidence in many things i do, but i have know that i read shit FAST. a lot faster than most people. so i never worry about that stuff.

the book i was reading is called stardust. it's about you know...faeries and crap. there was sex scenes in there! i take a break from reading to go get some hot chocolate from the machine since its freezing. i put my money in and the hot chocolate starts coming out, but i guess the thing was out of cups so it just poured down the grate thingy as i watched in horror. it was devastating. so i went to the bathroom, then drank a mountain dew, which made me colder.

after i finished the stardust reading i had to do i read some crap for my astronomy class then i went to english. we got in a circle and read shit about fairy tales. then we had to sign up for conferences with him and mine is 2:20 on wednesday. fuckin 2:20! on wednesdays i leave at 12:20. so now i'm pissed that i hafta hang around there for 2 extra hours.

so then i go back to my car and this dickhead is following me cuz he cant find a spot to park and he knows im leaving. so i feel all rushed. i was going to try and wipe off my window before i left but he was all getting impatient and staring at me and so i just left. and it was so hard to see!

i stopped at the gas station once i got back on this side of the river and filled up and then wiped off my windows. i was so happy that i was wiping off my windows that i forgot to put the gas cap back on or close the gas thingie. oops. i didn't realize this until my brother pointed it out to me about 45 minutes later after i was already home. we had to go back out to shovel my grandmother's driveway and thats when he told me my gas thing was open. and...the gas cap was gone. which sucked. so i just closed it and then went to the post office to send pacmans cds (!!!!) and the line was loooong. then we went back to the gas station and found my poor gas cap in pieces by a large truck that didnt wanna move. we retrieved it and tried to get it back in the hole but we were afraid to screw it in all the way since it was all broken and shit.

so we go to the auto parts store to get a new one but there aint none. so i just screw the fucker entirely back in and decide not to worry about it. then i go to the credit union to put money in my checking account since it won't let me do it online anymore and i ordered a bunch of shit from saddle creek and yeah there needs to be money in there. then we came home and realize my muffler is dragging on the fucking ground. yep folks thats 2 broken cars in one day. so i'm officially out of cars. a tow truck came and got the stalling one. bah. and now i'm home and i'm still cold, and i'm pmsing which is never fun. and this has been ridiculously long so i'll leave you all now.

the review site is takin up my time! and i haven't even done that much...oh well.

3:53 p.m. - 2003-01-27


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