arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


110 inane facts about me and my life

1. my name is stacie lyn

2. i have lived in poughkeepsie ny all my life (same house too!)

3. i was born may 14, 1984

4. i'm in my second semester at SUNY new paltz. i commute.

5. i live with my mom, dad, brother and pets.

6. my mom is a medical transcriptionist, my dad works at ibm, and my brother is a junior in high school.

7. my sister is 26 and lives in maryland with her husband.

8. i have 4 cats, 2 ferrets and 2 dogs.

9. i'm a psych major

10. i work at michaels arts and crafts store

11. i make $7 an hour

12. bright eyes is my favorite band. by far.

13. i miss high school more than you can probably imagine.

14. i don't have many friends.

15. i don't even have many online friends.

16. im 5'8''

17. i have (dyed) brown hair, but i'm thinking of dyeing it again soon....

18. i'm fat. overweight, obese, whatever. none of those words are pretty! how bout...festively plump. haha. like cartman!

19. i'm a follower, not a leader

20. i'm ashamed of some of the music i listen to. however, i'm ashamed that i'm ashamed of it, since you should never be ashamed of something stupid like that.

21. brandon boyd rocks my world. and i don't care if that makes me a teenybopper.

22. my biggest weakness is emo boys! some of em are so cute....but a lot of them also piss me off. they have bad attitudes, those emo kids.

23. i like third eye blind. a lot.

24. obviously, music is very important to me.

25. i'm on the deans list at school i have a 3.82 gpa.

26. most of the time, i really cannot stand my mother. she's insane. if you've met her, you know this.

27. i like peanut butter.

28. i sometimes still watch old sitcoms from my childhood. they give me memories!

29. i have a crush on a kid named kevin. i don't even know what else to say about that.

30. i think trent reznor is an excellent poet/lyricist.

31. i think conor oberst is an even better one.

32. my favorite book is catcher in the rye.

33. my favorite movie is this is spinal tap.

34. my favorite song is 'black' by pearl jam. i don't know why.

35. my dad has seen weezer in concert. twice. (he's 56)

36. i was introduced to both weezer and nine inch nails in 1995 by my sisters boyfriend. they broke up.

37. my sisters husband doesn't like cool music.

38. i cut school only twice in my entire high school career. well, that my parents didnt know about anyway. once i just left with my friend ashley, in 9th grade. another time (last year) i faked a note from my mom saying i had a doctors appt. i left with chrissy. we ate lunch and went to walmart and to a library. it was....dumb.

39. i have seen slipknot (the antichrist?) in concert.

40. i have also seen creed and hanson in concert. (i think creed is probably the antichrist, actually)

41. i don't believe in god

42. i think george w bush is...AHHH.....i dont even know...but i hate him

43. i think kurt cobain killed himself.

44. i also think the foo fighters are better than nirvana ever was (sorry!)

45. i think the music industry is an awful awful thing.

46. i think women should have the right to choose.

47. i think the death penalty is wrong.

48. i'm not a democrat or a republican. if i had to pick a party it would probably be green.

49. i didnt vote this year.

50. i think religion is the cause for most of the evil in this world.

51. i believe that miracles can happen.

52. i am deathly afraid of needles.

53. i am deathly afraid of spiders.

54. i like to write, but i never show anyone what i write.

55. i have very low self-esteem.

56. i love taking pictures. i just never get them developed.

57. i have no problem with homosexuality whatsoever.

58. i think anyone that can put a piano in a band and totally rock out on it deserves a fucking medal. (coldplay, ben folds, something corporate)

59. i dislike bands that have an "image." that being said, the white stripes, the strokes, and the hives don't upset me.

60. i think kevin smith movies are great.

61. i think conan obrien is the funniest person. ever.

62. i've been picking out names for my kids since i was five. now....i'm being plagued by the name conor, even though i don't really like it. my favorite boys name is adrian, my favorite girls name is serena.

63. i desperately want a tattoo on my wrist of two tiny black stars. i fear the consequences...

64. i want to pierce my lip again. but...i fear the consequences.

65. my favorite actor is leonardo dicaprio. i had a crush on him in middle school. now i think he's a dick, but seriously....he is a really great actor.

66. hugh grant is also a good actor.

67. i want to be a music journalist when i grow up! this isn't gonna happen.

68. i like to think that i don't follow trends and don't care what others think, but a lot of times i do. i wish i could stop that.

69. i have no real desire to get married. marriage leads to divorce. plus weddings are stupidly expensive. i'm not against like...being with someone for the rest of your life. but why marry him, lose tons of money, lose your name, and then spend money for a divorce too?

70. i'm not a very neat person.

71. i have a photo album where i keep all my concert ticket stubs.

72. i love bowling. i used to go once a week with a friend of mine. now i never go...

73. i like painting gnomes and faeries!

74. against my better judgement, i did enjoy the lord of the rings movies.

75. i ran away from gavin rossdale in an airport once. not that he was chasing me or anything....i was just running.

76. when i get my period, my back kills and i pee like 85 times a day.

77. i think vin diesel is the antichrist. (one of the many, i suppose)

78. i have done MANY stupid things in my life (cutting myself, piercing my lip with a thumbtack, piercing my ankle twice with a safety pin)

79. michael jackson was my favorite musician for a VERY long time.

80. the first cd i bought was alanis morisette.

81. the second cd i bought was oasis' whats the story morning glory.

82. basically all food i eat needs to be well done, especially meat.

83. i have a weezer lunchbox.

84. i think country apple stuff from bath and body works is amazing.

85. i think gay guys making out is sexy as hell.

86. i find it difficult to believe something unless i can SEE it. i think people believe everything they are told and thats very naive of us!

87. when layne staley died last april, i was depressed for weeks. i cried over him. i'm still not sure why.

88. i hate having someone cut my hair.

89. i used to paint with nail polish. i would paint what songs would make me feel. but i threw out all my nail polish. i tried out some bright eyes songs with acrylic paint. not as fun! check it out here.

90. i've been trying to play guitar for nearly 3 years. i haven't really progressed.

91. i can't wink!

92. i'm pretty sarcastic.

93. moshing at hard rock shows REALLY pisses me off, but i love moshing at punk/emo/hardcore shows.

94. the farthest i've ever been from home was san francisco.

95. when i was in san francisco i was...uhm...harrassed by a homeless guy. NOT COOL!

96. tomb raider is the worst movie i've ever seen.

97. i think the only movie i've ever walked out of was holy man.

98. i don't really drink, i don't do any drugs, i don't smoke. i never have, most likely never will.

99. my mom thinks i'm lazy and have an attitude problem. she also thinks i steal her spoons....?

100. i'm a pacifist. HIPPIE!!!

101. i like to play with fire!

102. i have like 6 pairs of shoes, but i wear my chucks almost everyday.

103. i'm a member of amnesty international.

104. people have called me a socialist. they're not too far off...

105. every time i eat meat, i feel slightly disgusted that i'm eating a dead animal.

106. i don't have a high tolerance for pain. which is weird, since i've done all that piercing and cutting shit.

107. i'm a bit obsessive about certain things

108. i suscribe to rolling stone and spin magazines.

109. i don't really like dogs at all

110. my mom still does my laundry

that's all for now.....maybe i'll add more later

12:37 p.m. - 2003-01-28


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