arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


just as real as you or i!

i went to bed around 10:30 last night. at around 11:25, i was sleeping. my mom comes in my room screaming at me.

"wheres the case to my thing?????"

so i am awakened by this. and of course, i didn't know what the fuck she was talking back. so i think i grunted and said "what?"

at this point, i thought it was morning and i looking around for a clock....wondering if i slept late or something.....nope it was still night time.

so she yells.....

"the thing!!! where the hell the case?? for the tape?"

so now it's getting a bit clearer. i had started taping something for her at 10. she had actually called randy down to get the tape but he was asleep, and i actually even tried to wake him up so i wouldn't have to go down there, with the HORRIBLE PAIN i have and all. but i couldn't so i had to go down there, get the tape, then go back upstairs and put it in the vcr.

unfortunately, this involved either bending over or squatting. due to the extreme pain i've experienced the past few days while bending over, i decide maybe i should try squatting.


the pain.....was so bad.....i nearly fell over.

anyways, so i put it in and come back in here. i want to go to bed, but think i should stay up until at least 11 to turn off her tape. i then decide she can go fuck herself and go to bed at 10:30 because there's not much you can do when it hurts like hell to move and you don't feel like writing your english essay!

so back to her waking me up...she is SO angry it's not even funny. i inform her that she took the tape out of its case while we were downstairs, therefore SHE has the case, not me. i then find out the real reason she's angry: she stepped in "cat shit". (which, on later investigation, turned out to be dog puke....her fucking dogs....NOT mine...not anyone elses...)

she proceeds to scream for about half an hour while i try to go back to sleep. she's yelling from the other room, but she's yelling at me, she knows that i'm still awake and everyone else is asleep.

she threatens to kill the cats.

this has happened before, no big shocker, but it always pisses me off.

i know she's got problems, but the cats are the least of them. trust me.

and she had the fucking nerve to be mad at me when i came home today and greeted my cat, and not her. she was downstairs, working. ahhhhh

so i got the new juliana theory cd and the all american rejects cd yesterday. neither are bad, neither are really great.

the song that stuck out to me on the jt cd was do you believe me? its the second track. i don't know why.

oh yeah, another song stood out. fucking.....into the dark. maybe that's because......THAT SONG IS FROM THEIR LAST FUCKING ALBUM!!!!

that really bothered me.'s a slightly different version. SLIGHTLY. i don't get it.

anyway, the cd wasn't much like their older stuff. or maybe it is, and i'm stupid. it just seems like a rock album to me. but at parts you can tell its still the same old juliana theory. like...when they play that song from the last album. yeah. that one

the all american rejects cd was pretty average, better than the jt cd though i think. one song reminded me of blink 182, which made me shudder, but all in all it was all right. and of course...swing swing stuck out to me. because...well fuck it's just a good song! i think i also liked the last song, which is called something ironic like this is the last song. that's not ironic. that's stupid. sorry.

i have to write my fairy tale and work. so i'm gonna get going.

1:16 p.m. - 2003-02-05


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