arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


i am....SONGS....and.....more

According to the Which Something Corporate Song Are You? Test...

i WANTED to be konstantine....but this song is nearly as cool so whatever...

You are "When the Curious Girl Realizes She is
Under Glass". You like thoughts of being
with loved ones and being devoted. You tend to
be selfish, but in an artistic way, or at least
you claim it is for art. Oh yeah, and pills are
very good friends of yours. (or they should

Which BRIGHT EYES song are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

that isn't me...i swear....i'm not THAT selfish, and i don't think pills are a necessity for me....the description for waste of paint suited me better. lost, looking for love, slightly optimistic. ehh.

i got these from michelle's diary. so....yeah. i done theifed em.

clay and corey made it you guys!!!! REJOICE!!!!

today while i was out, my EXCELLENT taste in music was reaffirmed by two strangers. one who seemed to be attemping to poke my tit in order to point out that "the ataris rock". which i already knew. duhh. and then the dude at circuit city approved of my buying the ryan adams cd. he told me this one is better than gold. i listened to it. i'm not so sure. but whatever.

did i tell you guys that i saw ryan adams last week in the city after the sigur ros show? i don't think i did...

maybe because i'm only about....hmm....7% sure it was him. it did look like him though. maybe a bit too young though. i'm just gonna say it WAS him, simply because i have no proof that it wasn't. and until someone gives me some, i can say it was him. so there.

i mailed the letter. when i went to get an envelope from our porch (we call it a porch, but its really just a dirty room sticking out from our kitchen that's overflowing with crap) there were fuckin bugs all in the envelope box. they were kinda beetle-looking. i got scared. but i grabbed an envelope, shook off the bugs, and stuffed in the letter. kris better appreciate all the crap i went through to mail that! haha...

10:55 p.m. - 2003-03-26


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