arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


avril is not our enemy! it's france, remember?

my day has been shitty for the following reasons:

- i slept late. i woke up like...5 minutes before i had to leave. i am amazing however, and therefore was not late.

- i feel sick. i keep coughing. i might be catching a cold. i knew waiting in the rain for and hour and a half would catch up to me!

- i am still in pain from friday. the rib thing is starting to piss me off. it makes me wheeze! or...weeze? i don't even know how to spell that. but it definitely sucks. my legs also hurt.

- i am super tired. i didn't go to bed until 2 something last night, because i was hyper and doing work and watching american idol and seeing third eye blind and all that good stuff.

- i have to take my brother to get his senior picture at 5:30 today. i remember my senior fuckin took me forever, because they were backed up and i had to wait...god dammit.

- as soon as i walked in the door (hungry and tired!) my mom gives me these tapes that i have to type RIGHT NOW. and i did them.

- i think clays getting voted off tonight. *sob*

oh how whiny was that? but it's ok, because here's all the things that made me HAPPY today!

- this kid in my spanish class was trying to read the word "cambio" and he said probably don't know why i find that hysterical but if you do...then you're cool! but yeah...coheed and cambria's a band...he saw...ahh. well maybe you had to be there?

- today was my last day of classes! no more classes yay!

- i saw cops trying to get speeders on that spackenkill overpass on route 9. it was crazy, they had this one cop standing up on the bridge checkin the speeds, then if someone was speeding he talked into his lil walkie talkie to the cops sitting in their cars just past the overpass, and they would go get em! it was some crazy shit!! i found it really funny. luckily, i was obeying the law! almost anyway...but yeah 2 people in front of me got stopped.

- i just popped my CRINKLE FRIES into the oven and there were jimmy neutron trading cards in it! i don't even know who jimmy neutron is, but it's exciting anyway.

- MY SHIT CAME!!!! both of my orders from interpunk, all in one nice lil box! my thursday hoodie, my boy sets fire hoodie, my ataris and bsf posters, MY BUTTONS!!!! and my ap magazine...this is such exciting stuff! i love it all!!!

- i don't have to work tonight. or go to school tomorrow. i can watch that 70's show AND american idol at their regularly scheduled time!!

- uhh...i saw third eye blind last night? the war over? i have no clue. i've heard rumors though! i have successfully avoiding all places where i may get news...the only tv i watch is american idol and im watching that on tape delay so i can fast forward the commercials, so i don't even see the previews for the news. i'm out of the loop! but i'm ok with that...i mean, i'm all about being informed on current events, but when the current events make me sick to my stomach and there is absolutely nothing i can do to change things...i think it may be best for me to avoid them.

i heard someone say today..."jimmy eat world owns me." owns! hhaha...i find this really hysterical and have decided to say that everything i like now owns me. because it's just that ridiculous.

oh and this is kinda weird and unrelated but...avril lavigne isn't evil. back off the poor girl! yeah, she makes shitty music and is a "poser" or whatever, but she's just a fucking kid trying to do what most kids wanna do, right? it's not like she's the antichrist, she's not hurting us or anyone else in any way. if kids weren't listening to her, they'd be listening to the backstreet boys or whatever, it's all the same. i'm all about like...killing the radio, but it's there, so we have to deal with it. people listening to avril WANT to listen to her. no big deal! they're not lesser people because of it.

also...her fan base is like 14 year old girls. i've BEEN 14. i know what it's like. they're probably all desperately trying to find a crowd to fit into, and in high school, your taste in music helps determine that...these kids probably used to listen to pop (the britney kind) and now listen to this because they think it's more rebellious or whatever. these kids are going to go through so many different musical tastes while they're in high school...they're just kids!

that's kind of rambley! and i just realized it made no sense. but umm...yeah. not evil. but i think more people hate her than bush. which is a shame, since she is canadian and not a murderer. yep!

this is stupid long...time for crinkle fries!!

1:15 p.m. - 2003-05-07


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