arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


aww third eye blind...still my boys!

ohh...i saw third eye blind tonight.

the doors were supposed to open at 8, we got there at like 7:30...because...correct me if i'm wrong...third eye blind haven't had a hit in how long??? and uhh...even when they did have a hit, it wasn't a BIG hit, they haven't had a big hit 98. but anyway...yeah it was fucking packed. like...ridiculous. i have never had to wait on such a freakin long line to get into the chance. but alas...i did. and uhh...this van thing tried to drive through the line and stephan was driving it...beeping like crazy...i find that extremely humorous...even though i didn't see him cuz i was too busy laughing my ass off at the bum directing traffic...

so...we're on the line forever...and we're near the front....and alex walks by! it was crazy. cuz he had a bandanna on. but mostly because...well it was a third eye blind concert. they left, but then came back and stood with us on line cuz they didn't wanna be all the way in the back...and...alex told me i laugh too much, and i had flashbacks of the horrible chick at the ataris show. but yeah...then...we went in...jimson's lyric was already on....they're local. not too bad, i guess. i think i've seen them twice already. we were standing off to the right side of the stage, not on the floor, cuz it was fucking filled...then some other band came out, blah blah blah...oh they were called am radio...i think..they said they were happy we came out to such a bad part of town to see them...haha...ok!

and so finally, third eye blind come out. stephan like...has a fuckin crew cut and is wearing this black and white HORIZONTAL striped shirt. and....well he looks really old. maybe cuz he is! arion was wearing a nifty hat and a clash shirt...tony was...i dunno. he looked cute though! even though...he's not kevin *sob* i miss kevin! but i guess i can't write all about that shit in here, since no one reading this knows a shit about third eye blind, huh? well kevin was the guy that used to play guitar for him. and he was wicked! but they kicked his ass out over 3 years ago. meaning...the three times i've seen them live, it hasn't been with kevin, but with tony. and...i love kevin. so there ya go! i didn't see brad at all, because of my position. oh well.

first they sang blinded...which is their new single i guess...everyone there knew it, so it must get played on the radio or something...i'm so fucking out of the loop it's not even funny...then they did wounded....and..narcolepsy...a whole lot of new songs...misfits, wake for young souls (which actually is old, i knew it!) crystal baller, and forget myself...hurray! there were other new songs i didn't know. so they remain nameless! oh there was one called my hit and run, i think. they also did losing a whole year, jumper, how's it going to be, graduate, motorcycle driveby (!!!!!!!) never let you go, anything, and they ended with god of wine. so yeah, they played for awhile...

they were pretty good....i'm not in amazement or anything but i think they were better than the other times i've seen them...stephan kept the ego in check, thankfully. he actually seemed truly happy that so many people were there. and truly worried about the drunken asshole wobbling up on the amps...haha...that was funny/scary. umm...most of the new songs sound pretty rad, and i know they'll sound ten times better in the studio, because 3eb is a much better studio band. the album comes out tuesday!! no biggie though, i've only been waiting 3 1/2 years for it...

i'm trying to think of other highlights...but there aren't any?

i just watched american idol. i thought clay did great, josh did crap, ruben did alright (he's seriously starting to bore me) and kimberley did alright as well. so the bottom 2 should be josh and kim. but i don't think it will be. i think clay may be in there. for one of his songs, simon said it was the best performance he'd ever seen. for the other song, he said it was horrible. uh oh! and i didn't vote because i'm watching on like a 5 hour tape delay! please, pray for clay everyone! if he gets voted off, there's no telling what i might do.

well...first i'd cry. then i'd boycott the show. and...yeah. he should at LEAST make the top 3. it's only right. i doubt he'll win the whole thing, though he deserves too, he should be in the top 2. just my personal opinion i suppose...

tomorrow (aka TODAY) is my last day of classes.....HOLY MOLY! uhhh and since it's 2am maybe i should go to sleep? oh right, great idea, thanks!

1:19 a.m. - 2003-05-07


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