arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


i can be cruel, but let me be gentle with you

i think i'm in a rut right now. i feel like i'm living one of those terribly depressing bright eyes songs. and it sucks! but...i'm not gonna even go into or bitch and complain and stuff because i know it's boring to read and it's actually quite boring to write!

i'm seeing thursday tomorrow, and i have the terrible feeling that something bad is gonna happen.

i also just came to the weird realization that i have no clue what any member of thursday looks like. i wouldn't know them if they ran smack into me on the street wearing a shirt that said "hey, i'm in thursday!"

that's pretty bad, considering they're one of my top 5 favorite bands of all time, isn't it? and since i saw them live last year?

the reason why i thought of this was because we're going to the show early tomorrow, and i thought i might get to meet the guys's not going to happen if i don't know what they look like.

i don't even know who's opening tomorrow. i'm completely clueless. i don't know where my tickets are either. i don't know anything. all i know is talking about it and listening to them is getting me all excited. THURSDAY YAY!

i think the lead singer is kinda skinny with longish hair...not metal dude long but like emo kid long...but everytime i think i'm picturing him in my head i see the guy from taking back sunday...why do i know what he looks like and not geoff, who is one of my lyrical heroes? WHY???

i think the guy who screams in the background is kinda large, too. but i may be totally wrong.

alright, i think i've got a vision of geoff in my head, at least. that's a start...

i'll stop rambling about thursday now, ok? but expect a long entry tomorrow night about the show!

if you had a crush on someone, and then you found out they had a girlfriend, a gambling problem, and that they were an alcoholic, and they had some mental problems...wouldn't that maybe...get rid of the whole crush thing for you?


what if they got into a car accident and you had to come to their rescue and pay off the person that they hit because he has no insurance and no money to pay them for the damage?

still no?

what if they stole $100 from your bank account using a debit card you lent them once to buy cigarettes because they were broke? and then promised to pay you back but only gave you half?

this is a completely hypothetical situation of course...but...for christ's sakes...SHE IS SO STUPID!

so for the record...thursday rocks. and so do all of you. good nite!

10:51 p.m. - 2003-06-03


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