arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


i'm psychic, thursday are \"gods\", etc...

yesterday i had a terrible feeling that something was going to go wrong at the thursday show tonight. i think i even mentioned it in my last entry.

i was right.

so who believes i'm psychic now?

still no one?

alright...that's cool...

you probably either don't give a shit what happened or i've already told you, or maybe i've already told you AND you don't give a shit...

but i'm gonna write about it anyway. it is my right.

we get there around 6:15. all is fine and dandy. we're near the front of the line. the line shifts a bit. there is a cute emo kid wearing a faint shirt who is walking/dancing around. i want him. we get in. run to the stage. get right up against it, in the left hand corner. everything is good. i start to get excited. fuck my weird premonition. i love thursday. and i can't wait.

the first band plays. they're called unsound. i personally think they kick ass. their lead singer looks like timmy. they're kinda yelly/hardcore-ish. yum.

the second band plays. they're called autopilot off, and they're ok. they're a pop-punk band, somewhat of a mixture between finch, blink, and green day. you can decide if that's good or bad. as i said, i thought it was ok.

thursday starts setting up their equipment. people start pushing. i get smashed up against the stage and have difficulty breathing. but all is well, because thursday are coming out. or, actually, they're standing right there setting up their shit. me and kenny try to pick out geoff. we figure out who he is. he has nice hair. it looks like he recently got a hair cut. he's wearing a georgia shirt. they all seem to be in good spirits.

then....they come out. the people in the pit go fucking insane, and i am smashed up against the stage again. i feel a very sharp pain in my ribs. i ignore it.

they open with 'cross out the eyes'. it's good. everything is great. i'm having a good time. the crowd is insane and i'm not too comfortable, but how can i give a shit when thursday is about 2 inches from me?

they sing 'paris in flames'. i nearly orgasm all over everything. i don't think it can get any better.

then they sing 'jet black new year'. and it gets much better. actually, before they do this, they do a new song. which is really good as well. they're getting harder, if anything.

then they do 'standing on the edge of summer', which isn't a ballad, but it's slower than they're other shit. and people continue to push and be crazy and kill me. and they rock out the song. because they're awesome.

then 'understanding in a car crash'. people go apeshit. i'm having such a good time. my premonition is completely forgotten.

then they start 'how long is the night?' and it's amazing live. they get to the end, and geoff is singing the "i'm falling down, and you're not here to break my fall" part. it's really intense, and i'm staring at him, and he's getting really into it. it's an emotional song, so though i'm shocked when he starts crying, i get over it quickly and that just makes it all the more amazing.

then he kinda starts sliding to the ground...

he ends up on his knees, and he's still crying, and there's a bit of drool coming out of the corner of his mouth, and he looks terrible, like he's going to die or something. i realize this isn't right...

the song ends and he tries to pull himself up but is barely able to, and he manages to make it a little ways towards the door at the back of the stage which leads outside and some of the guys that were hanging out watching from the back grab him and help him outside.

everyone's a little confused, including the band. some of them rush out after him. a few stayed.

geoff's sitting outside with a huge crowd around him. we can't really see what's happening. the crowd starts chanting his name. it's really surreal...

the guys from the club turn off the band's stuff and start playing music out of the speakers. about 20 minutes go by. the crowd is yelling things to geoff, who's still sitting just outside. or, we assume that he's in the center of the big crowd. people are screaming that geoff is their hero, and reassuring him that he'll be ok. one of the band members comes out and informs us that "geoff isn't feeling well" (oh really buddy? thanks for the info!), apologizes, waves, and leaves. we all start walking out. some people start yelling that they want a refund. i want to kick the inconsiderate fucks in the face. we're heading toward the merch and we notice the flashing lights outside, and assume it's an ambulance.

i haven't mentioned yet that i'm already worried as fuck, and the ambulance doesn't help matters.

we get to the merch area, and it's crowded, and i start panicking so i have to leave. i tell my brother to pick me up something and walk outside.

it's refreshing to be outside. the flashing lights are gone, but the rest of the band are hanging out talking to kids and apologizing.

then it starts to pour.

and i just stand there and start crying. i'm not sure why, but i feel terrible, nauseous and headachy and this terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach like something is really wrong with geoff.

about 20 minutes later, they all come out and we walk towards my car, and i'm dizzy as fuck and really don't think i can drive home. my brother informs me that i don't look good. i ask him to drive.

he gets in the drivers seat and puts the key in the ignition. he has never driven my car before. he then states he has never driven in the rain. and it is POURING. so i get in the drivers seat.

i make it home ok. i still don't feel well. i'm still terribly dizzy and headachy and blah...and, yeah, for some reason, so worried about this guy. i'm all worked up over him.

i know this is weird and messed up, but...if this had happened to conor, or brandon...or nearly anyone else i like, i would not be this upset. it's really lame and i don't know if i've ever actually told anyone, but i REALLY connect with thursday's lyrics and i've always felt like i have a connection with geoff...we feel the same way about things, and i just don't get that from any other band.

so enough of that crap...i really hope geoff's ok. i don't think it's anything serious, but i know how terrible he must feel about having to cut the set short. i don't feel gypped in any way, they played 7 amazing songs, it's longer than i heard them play at warped. i'm sure they'll say something on their site tomorrow or whatever about geoff...maybe (hopefully) it's not serious at all. and maybe they'll come back. or not. it doesn't matter. after geoff stumbled out, some guy yelled "geoff, you're my god!"

i wouldn't go that far but...that band is amazing. and though i think it's ridiculous to deify people....those boys are the kind of gods i'd want. they're sweet, nice, and they put 150% into what they do.

if you pray, keep geoff in your prayers! i'm still pretty worried...i'll get over it can't be that bad right? his band members were all outside, they didn't seem too worried...

sorry, i'm so fucking paranoid....i feel like i'm going to start crying now...

but instead, i'll watch that 70's show. since it's 1am. i missed the 11:30 one because i completely forgot, i was so upset.

goodnight...sorry this is an annoying entry...:(

12:22 a.m. - 2003-06-05


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