arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


i'd rather be working for a paycheck than waiting to win the lottery

it's raining. what a fucking surprise!

yesterday, i picked up nikki at work and then we went to the mall where i bought pillowcases, and also we saw an accident. which was cool. very entertaining. except it wasn't really an accident, some mom in an escalade was backing up from her parking space and smashed into this tiny lil black car that was parked. the cops were right there to save the day, though! and the woman from the other car came out from the mall and...yeah. it was fun!

then we came back here and i made nikki watch thom because...i don't know. i feel like everyone should see him spazzing like that. i printed some crap out onto transfers, but couldn't find the iron, so we went back to her house and ironed my collage onto a purple t-shirt, with pretty bad results. but i like it anyway. then i came home and worked. kenny came over at 9:30, and i forced him to watch thom as well (although i think he enjoyed it more) and started campaigning to get someone to come see radiohead with me. so, we'd have to go to maryland, new jersey, or massachusetts. no biggie!

then we walked in the rain for no particular reason. then...that 70's show!

so that was my day. i have to leave for work in a little while, but it's nice to know that i'll have plenty MORE work to do when i get home. and for the rest of the weekend. that's great.

but brian is supposed to close tonight. usually though...when he's scheduled and i'm scheduled he ends up switching or something. maybe it's because he hates me! that could be it...

theres a really cool song on the brand new's all pretty good, but you should all download sic transit gloria...glory fades. because it's so cool. and...myxamatosis by radiohead.

with the new p2p thing i got i found someone with the 2 new bright eyes songs i've been looking for, first day of my life and poison oak. so if you wanna hear GREAT songs, look for that ONE person who i found that has them! oh man....they're so good...

krammy i have 10 bucks for mom forgot to pay you for something....don't let me forget! (it's for the DRUGS)

i have to go get ready....peace!

2:05 p.m. - 2003-06-20


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