arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary



everyone probably knows this already, because i couldn't stop blabbing about it last night, but i feel the need to describe it here anyway.

my brother and i went to the drive in to see pirates of the caribbean. a car full of kids parked behind us. not little kids, like....late teens and early 20's i'm guessing. they were all dressed topic kids, i suppose, but not the goth kind, the "punk" kind, you know? and maybe it wasnt even hot topic, i couldn't see that well, it was just a rearview mirror view.

now most of you probably know i'm attracted to pretty much any guy who doesn't dress or look...normal. and by normal...i would mean what normal was at my high school, which was like....abercrombie or aeropostle or american eagle khakis and fuckin polo shirts or...ahh....i just really hate that! oh and i also hate goth kids, but less. anyway, that's not the point.

the point is, i was intrigued by them. there was one girl and three guys, and i found one of the guys to be really cute (pretty?)....he had this really cool black hair with dark blue chunks and it was just was awesome. so i was mostly staring at him, but i just happened to notice that the other 2 boys were sitting on the back of the car big deal. but THEN...

one of the guys started rubbing the other guys leg. actually, it was more like a caress. and i was pretty much in shock because nothing cool EVER happens to me....

so of course i figured i was mistaken, one of them must really be a girl, or they're joking, or whatever. but no. they were 2 boys sitting on the back of the car touching each other. and i had a perfect view from my rearview mirror. i adjusted my side mirror, and that gave me an even better view. i was pretty paranoid that they would figure out i was watching them, but really there's no possible way...

so yeah, they touched each other, and rubbed each other, and then they got up and some other people sat on the car, and they disappeared into the car for a little while....! then they came back, smoked a cigarette (haha i'm not kidding...) and they were hugging and kissing and it was just so cute! at one point they walked to the concession thingie holding hands...aww! then later they were layin down together on the back of the car and their legs were all tangled so cute.

i think i angered my brother with the play by play i gave him, but he did take a peek a few times.

i wanted to stay for the second movie, since apparently the kids behind us were, but i didn't want to make randy any more angry at me...haha i didn't watch any of the movie...i'm so bad!

before the movie, i had to work 2-8, even though i don't work sundays. i was working because the new fes was on vacation, but in reality, they just fucked up the schedule because she's going on vacation NEXT week. which means...i have to work on sunday again. which i'm pretty fucking pissed about.

i walked in the door and my manager was like....what are you doing here? I HATE THEM ALL!

and then on top of that, we're having some huge sale and the store was so crowded....i don't want to be supervisor any more. at least not when i'm working with people who don't know anything! every single little thing they had to ask me! and i was busy doing other things and ahhhh.

ohhhh the little kids next door are going swimming in our pool! how nice...

i actually have to get ready to go now, i'm leavin for the BRONX in about an see the yankees...we're getting there super early and i don't know why, but it's my dads fathers day gift so i guess we gotta do what he wants. bah!

i took a long break there, now it's actually almost 2 and...i still haven't gotten ready yet! haha!

bye bye!

1:17 p.m. - 2003-07-21


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