arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


clay, panties, and pop tarts!

i'm sure you all think it's terribly funny how i went to see the american idols tour tonight.

well laugh it up, rejects. i saw clay with panties on his head, and YOU DIDN'T!!!

so uhh...yeah. the show was good.

charles sang a song. not too hot, but he's just the cutest thing, he's so happy to be there, so his mediocre singing is excused.

then comes julia. my dad liked her. for reasons other than her voice. she sang 'beautiful'. at first i thought it was a bad choice, i don't remember her voice being too strong, and let's face it, christina aguilera's voice is quite strong. but she managed to pull it off, so yay for her.

next comes rickey. he sings the michael jackson classic 'the way you make me feel' in this horrible falsetto. my dad LOVED it. i didn't. funny, but not good.

then kim caldwell comes out. she sings...something. i don't know what. i knew the song, but i don't know who sings it. so there ya go. she was good.

carmen is next. she sings something, not too bad. blah blah blah, moving on.

trenyce was good...she sang that rollin on the river song or whatever. she rocks.

kimberley locke sang...haha i'm drawin a blank here. but she was good, she always is.

and you know who was next, right?!?!?


the second his name is mentioned (each person was announcing the person who came after them) the place erupted into loud, horrifying screams. it was troubling. he sang 'this is the night'. i can't really say whether he was good or not, because the people were fucking orgasming REALLY LOUDLY all over the place because it was their first glimpse of clay. the girl in front of us, she was maybe 12 or 13, was seriously panting and fanning her face, totally flipping out. i thought she might faint.

then ruben comes out, and he sings TWO songs. fucker. he was alright. then there's an intermission. we go for a casual stroll through ridiculous amounts of people. it was terrible. TERRIBLE. i hated it. ahhh.

after the intermission, they did a bunch of shit together. ruben and clay sang 'the girl is mine'....oh i was lovin that. but their "acting" before it was kinda ridiculous. the thing that's best about clay is the smirk on his face when he's doing that stupid shit, dancing, or acting or whatnot. it's like he knows how totally fucking stupid he looks, and he doesn't care. he rocks.

so yeah, someone threw panties and a breakfast bar on stage or something...ruben was ranting about how a breakfast bar cannot fill you up, and then he put the pink panties on clay's head. so then clay put the other panties on ruben's head. oh the hilarity. ruben removed the panties quickly. clay kept his on for awhile.

later, when clay was on by himself, someone (the same girl, apparently) threw MORE panties, and he said "stop, you're not going to have any more to wear!" and then he kinda kicked them, he looked like he didn't wanna touch them, and he was laughing the whole time. he's such a cutie!

he put the panties over by the side of the stage, with commentary of course ("i'm going to put the panties over HERE for now") and then he explained how they give all the stuff that gets thrown onstage to a children's hospital, but he's not sure what they'd do with the panties.

then he sang an amazing song called "invisible" which was so great and NOT a freakin slow ballad like he'd been singing all night. i was quite happy.

a lot more was sung, it sounds like a really short show but it was 3 hours, i just can't remember or don't feel like describing it all. we left while ruben was singing to beat traffic, i'm pretty sure they only did one song after that anyway. we got free frozen pop tarts on the way out!

so basically...clay is still my hero. and i can't stop listening to the starting line singing j. lo. it's fucking addictive. 5 days till warped!!

11:34 p.m. - 2003-08-04


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