arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


new jersey la!


it was pretty anticlimactic, but...oh well. we got out, anyway.

me, randy, kenny, and nikki left around 4 and headed to new brunswick. and then...we got there. drove by thursday's old house (3 times, mainly because we were trying to find our way out) and uhh...let's just say it wasn't in the nicest neighborhood. haha it was like...all mexicans. it was great. i'm sure it was really fun doing shows there. yeahh...

after that, we went looking for mary ellis' grave, which is this grave right in the middle of a loew's cinema parking lot. magically, we found it, but drove by since we had to turn around. we were all starving (well, i was anyway) and we tried to go eat at this outback but it was sooo crowded we couldn't even find a spot even though we drove through the parking lot twice. so then we continued down the road, and stopped at some diner called...the edison diner. since we were in a town called edison. it was...interesting! i had an omelet! and the service wasn't so good. but yeah, anyway!

then we got back on the road and back into new brunswick, then into the loew's parking lot, where after a bit of searching we found the chick's grave. it's in the back, if you ever go! it was pretty cool, but real high up so we couldn't see that close. nikki took some pictures. then...we left, and with some difficulty got onto the nj turnpike, and drove, and then went over the george washington bridge, it was an adventure! eventually we got to sleepy hollow and parked in some neighborhood in the village, and then walked around for awhile, and went on this scary road which turned out to be someones driveway or something, but fuck it was dark and scary! then we walked further down a street and some cars were driving by REAL fast and honking at us, and it pretty much sucked! and i got all sweaty. then we went back, and stopped at a gas station. we were in search of a potty, but found CANDY! and yeah, i had candy! and then....we drove home.

so i don't know if anyone had a good time or not, but it was better than stayin home, right? and if nothing else, we saw a cool mexican dude praying in the road!

heh...thursday's house was right near some huge dentistry school...if you don't know why that's funny...

check out those freakin teeth!

haha...nite nite!

1:43 a.m. - 2003-08-07


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