arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


sing like you think no one's listening

i would like to start the day with this:

oh lord...

i left the other guy in the picture just to show how troubled he is by the arm being around him. i'm not looking at the picture right now, so i don't know if you can tell that his arm is around him. but ANYWAY....what a winner.

i would like to take this opportunity to plug a new band that i have enjoyed for nearly 12 hours now. they're called straylight run. it's the 2 dudes who used to be in taking back sunday and some other people. anyways, i didn't like them at first but now i like them very very much. they have three songs up for download here. they're all good, the one i've been listening to the most is "existentialism on prom night".

for those of you who aren't taking back sunday fans, give these guys a try anyway. even if you think taking back sunday are talentless, egotistical losers with a creepy following of emo kids (and it's quite easy to feel this way, i know), this band is completely different. more mellow, ben folds-like. but not really, he's just the closest i can come to what they sound like. the songs are only demos, so the quality isn't super good, but you can see the songs rock, anyway.

i'm gonna stop blabbing about them now.

so, the radiohead concert is tonight. 3.5 hour drive to massachusetts, how EXCITING! you can all start placing bets on how lost i'll get. but, in the car on the way there, i get to hear the new dashboard album, which i have not yet heard, since i haven't had time to go buy the fucker. this has been a crazy week. i should put these 3 straylight run mp3's on a cd so i can listen to them too. oh and pass some out to the crazy radiohead fans. they'd love that.

i guess i should talk about the matchbook romance show, right? reminded me why i don't go to local shows.

the first band, who i THINK were called your day strong, but i'm not sure. i liked them a lot. loved them, maybe. they, of course, were from the bronx, not here. good bands can come out of this shithole.

the next band was next to nothing. i was sooo not impressed. they weren't bad, but they reminded me of blink 182 and that, my friends, is never a good thing. their frizzy haired dude did have a nice voice though. they're local favorites i guess. just not my thing.

then...uhh...down for low came out. i hate them. i have for about 3 years now. their lead singer is the most egotistical piece of shit i have ever seen. i swear, he has a bigger ego than scott stapp, bono, and the guy from the juliana theory combined. i don't like their music, and i wanted them to be over soon. they played waaaay too long.

then came matchbook romance. they were on warped and everything this year, they signed to epitaph, they're like the local boys done good or whatever. everyone there was PSYCHED about them. they were alright, i wasn't super impressed. kinda like...just another pop punk band with no quality that truly makes them unique. not one that i found, anyway. but they have an ep out that you can buy, and a full length coming out soon, so support my hometown boys! heh...

i think i'm out of shit to babble about...i had weird dreams last night but i'm not gonna talk about them because they were so weird, they're embarrassing. not that i can help what i dream but...yuck.

oh, i just dyed my hair too. i don't think it made much of a difference, but it's still wet so i guess we'll see.

11:14 a.m. - 2003-08-13


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