arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


i was saved by grace but destroyed by naivete

i think i'm coming down with something...but not like a cold or anything like that, something creepy and bad which makes me get horrible headaches and shakiness.

it's not all the time, but when i get all shaky and headachy it is definitely no fun.

so, i'm all depressed so i put in dashboard confessional, right? and i haven't listened to my copy of the new album yet, so i put that one in, and the first song is all fucking happy and shit...MAKES ME WANNA SLIT MY THROAT!!

no. just kidding. it's a nice song. but...not what i was looking for. oh well.

i'm so fucking moody. i'm sorry. i had to close with tony, the manager who dislikes me as much as i dislike him. but we were civil to each other, so that's good. anthony called me a brown noser. oh well! (all i said was how are you to tony, i don't think that's brown nosing, just politeness!)

so i have 2 days off. and i have next saturday off. wow! it's because tony made the schedule. they should let him do it more often.

i ordered my books. they were ridiculously expensive. no getting around car is all broken, i have to drive to new paltz to get a parking permit, but i keep fucking sleeping too late to do it, and...i'm pretty disgusted with myself right now.

i'm being so emo right now. that's pretty disgusting too. this cd makes me wanna give chris carrabba a high five or something. i should put in bright eyes or something. conor and i can cry together.

my fingers hurt. i've been playing guitar too damn much. but hearing myself play the intro to cute without the e is just so satisfying.

i can't believe you've actually read this far.

oh, i watched abandon the other night. not very good, but...damn that guy who played embry was cute. and the end kinda shocked me, but...i guess i should have been expecting it. i'm an idiot sometimes though.

starting monday, i'm gonna be super busy. basically all the time. that pretty much sucks. but maybe i won't have time to think about how i'm lonely and have no friends to go hang out with, right?

and with my free time on campus, i'll actually have time to write, which i'm really excited about. it's sad that i'm excited about my 2 hours every few days sitting around listening to music on my discman and writing. poor me.

sorry about this. all of it. i hope everyone has a nice evening!

10:03 p.m. - 2003-08-20


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