arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


wowie wow wow! sigur ros:)

ok...i just got back from seeing sigur ros down in the city.

they were amazing. fantastic. insane.

none of those words really describe it, actually.

it was raining as we walked to radio city, but not too hard. my dad was happy to see that he was not the only old person there. our seats were in the second mezzanine, 4 rows back. not too good. but not horrible, i guess.

the big screen was showing sigur ros videos. the first one involved retarded people dressed as angels dancing around in a field. the second was really long....but there was a little boys soccer game, and a boy scored a goal, and then started making out with this other boy on the ground right there on the field. and all the parents flipped out and it was crazy. they werent THAT lil, they were like 12 oe 13 maybe? the third video was this one, which i was talking about earlier. its even sadder on a huge screen!

the first band was kinda boring....the album leaf. they didn't play long though. i think conor's did something with them once. or....yeah. i dunno. they were good but i nearly fell asleep.

sigur ros came on at 9 and were just...amazing. we've been over this already.

their lead singer has the most beautiful voice. it's so much better live than on the record. he can actually go that high! wow! and it sounds so pretty. he sounds like an angel. if there were angels. wow. the drummer was rad too, and the keyboard guy, and the bassist. so basically...all of them. even the string people were cool. the lights were crazy. everything rocked. it was amazing. i wonder how many times i've said amazing?

during one song, the singer (haha jonsi...what a cool name) was hitting his bow against his guitar (yeah he plays it with a bow...) so hard that it broke and went all limp.

there was this one guy who was being totally obnoxious and yelling out YEAH whenever there was a quiet part in the music or a lil bit of silence. it was funny the first time, but after awhile it was soooo annoying. finally, one time after he did it, almost everyone in the place goes SHHH and someone screamed SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!! it was priceless.

at the end they got a standing ovation (even from dad!) and they came out and bowed together, and the screen said takk, sigur ros. im guessing takk means thank you. cuz...well it looks like it does.

no one in the band said anything all night. not one lil peep, cept for the singing. and it was somehow appropriate. there was no mention of the war, and im glad.

for a few hours, we all got to pretend like this shit wasn't happening and enjoy a really really amazing show.

if sigur ros is coming to a town anywhere near you, you should go. even if you don't really like them. because...yeah. i said so.

good night!

1:11 a.m. - 2003-03-22


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