arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


The Thursday Show (new and improved!!!)

Ok so you've probably gathered by now that I enjoyed myself last night. So now you get to read the whole damned story, hurray! (And you better read it, cuz I know it's gonna take me about 2 hours to type this!!!)

So, I went with Ashley, which was cool even though I'd never been anywhere alone with her before, someone else is always there. We listened to really awesome stuff in the car like Ryan Adams (sexy bitch), Linkin Park, and old skool Thursday (always delightful). We got to the Webster around 5:30 and went into this gas station across the street and Ashley got some chips and a soda. I contemplated getting a Red Bull (because I still wasn't very excited about the show...and by not very, I mean I was basically dreading it with every fiber of my being) but my decision was basically made after I saw that they had no Red Bull. Tragic.

When she was paying, she asked me if I wanted anything, and I said no, and the guy behind the counter said "I want something!" which was kind of creepy, and then he held out his hand and told Ashley to take what was in it and she didn't want to, but eventually she did and it was like...a fucking penis lighter. So we got out of there reaaaaaaaally fucking quick. It was funny though!

Then we got on line, it was pretty damn long even though the doors didn't open till 7. There were 2 lines, one for people under 21 and one for people over...and well...the over line had about 10 people in it. Those bastards. Did I mention it was cold? It was...

I don't think anything exciting happened on the took forever but we got in around 7:15 and finally got to pee and then we were about like....halfway back.....from the stage...and yes I realize that sentence makes no sense. Coheed didn't start until 8:00, but at least we got to be treated to the lovely music of the Darkness....gag me...haha...when they came out, there was the biggest push I have ever experienced...I thought I would never stop going forward. At least we got closer. But I lost Ashley, and during that first song I got beat up so bad that I wanted to leave. Everyone was falling down and pushing and stepping on was terrible. My left leg hurt so bad I could barely stand, but then later it went numb so it didn't hurt. Their whole set was pretty crazy, and by the end I was over to the side and kind of far back (and totally okay with that). My memory sucks and my knowledge of Coheed song titles is even suckier, but I believe that they played Devil In Jersey City, uhh....the song that comes after Devil In Jersey City, Everything Evil, Al the Killer...Blood Red Summer or something? And other songs. Fuck, I don't know. They played their songs, alright? And Claudio sounded like shit, he must've been sick. During the next to last song he got super pissed, and I thought it was at the sound guy, and he said..."I have to tell you dude, YOU FUCKING SUCK!!" But then I'm not sure because then he was kinda freaking out and talking in a weird voice and cheering for himself saying "OH THAT'S AWESOME CLAUDIO, I LOVE IT WHEN YOU PLAY OUT OF TUNE" Basically, it was disturbing. But then he apologized and said he was bitter cuz he's old or something.

This was the last night of the tour so there were like...crazy hijinks happening all over the place. At the end of the set marshmallows started shooting up from something which was kind of odd.

When they were done Ashley found me and we moved up a tiny bit for Thrice and then Thrice played. Yay. Guess what, I was such a good sport it was ridiculous. I danced and sang (even though the fuckers didn't do my fucking song after I went through all that trouble!!!) and hit people and it was all in good fun. And I didn't think they were that bad. I love The Melting Point of Wax. I'm so cool. I still believe that Thrice fans are gorillas, though. They ended really abruptly, and I was actually disappointed when they were done. Then the marshmallow thing got kinda ridiculous. The whole place smelled like marshmallows.

We managed to squirm our way up into about the 4th or 5th row and it seemed like Thursday took their sweet ass time coming out. When Tucker was checking his drums I swear the back of his shirt said Poughkeepsie. They hid Andrew all the way in the back corner, poor kid.

So Thursday came out, played For the Workforce, Drowing, and as usual it was fucking nuts. By the end of the song I was pretty sure I wasn't going to make it. It was so hot and there was no room to breathe and we were all just drenched in sweat and it was terrible. I'm gonna write the setlist down, more for my future reference than for any of you...

For the Workforce, Drowning
Paris In Flames
Understanding in a Car Crash
Between Rupture and Rapture
How Long Is the Night?
Signals Over the Air
Cross Out the Eyes
Steps Ascending
Jet Black New Year
This Song Brought to You By a Falling Bomb
Division St.
War All the Time
Autobiography of a Nation

The order is pretty close but probably not totally right...oh well. They didn't play Marches and Maneuvers, which kinda bugged me, especially since they didn't even replace it with another song. The show was just amazing. They're not assholes. I should have never said that. I feel bad, haha. This venue was a lot more...conducive to...the awesomeness. They were much closer to the fans, even though it was a pretty big place. Ashley left after like 4 songs because she kept passing out...I almost passed out 3 times...I stopped myself when I felt my head hitting the person in front of me...and one time Geoff's water was what snapped me out of it...that was unpleasant!

During Cross Out the Eyes, he came and basically sat on us, so of course everyone started pushing even more so they could touch his sexy body (haha) and I got pushed into the second row and I was grabbing someone's arm to try and keep from falling and then I looked up and realized it was Geoff so I tried to steal one of his bracelets (I don't know why, I didn't really think it through) and I grabbed his wrist and it was really bony and tiny (like Alex's!) so I slid my hand down and held his hand and he squeezed it and I didn't want to let go and it was really exciting. And not in that teenybopper "OMG I'M NOT WASHING MY HAND EVER AGAIN" kind of way, but it was just a really awesome experience, and I realized right then that I was wrong, basically about everything. This sounds so weird, like I had some sort of catharsis or something...haha...I'm not gonna blab on about it, but the whole show was like a spiritual experience to me. It's really freeing when you can admit to yourself that everything you believe is just that....your beliefs, and everything could be wrong, and that's okay...but, to make it short, (cuz this is getting creepy, I understand) I realized that I was totally wrong for judging them on Monday. What right do I have to judge anyone? They're just people, normal people who do dumb things but always mean well, and realize that honesty is the most important thing. Wow this must sound like a load of crap to you. I'm being totally honest, though.

Moving on...I would just like to say that there was a kid in a Third Eye Blind shirt right up front next to me, just standing there, and he didn't know any of the words or anything he was just getting pushed around. He was my hero.

When they played Jet Black New Year, there was no confetti. But by that point I didn't even care, I was like bring on the fucking confetti, I can take it! They can have a fucking laser light show and a blimp flying over head that says Thursday in flashing lights and I wouldn't care.

When they played This Song Brought to You By a Falling Bomb (the slow piano one...the only time we got to fucking breathe), right where it was getting to the end where he yells without the mic (which is the most amazing thing ever) their roadies or something came out in their boxers with what looked like little firecrackers but I'm not sure. Then we were lucky enough to have the roadies moon us. So, to make a long story short, Geoff couldn't finish the song cuz he basically collapsed on the ground laughing. I thought it was funny, but I felt bad for Ashley cuz I know she'd been waiting for that. Oh well. Andrew was a professional though! He finished the song even though Geoff didn't.

And about Randy's little "acting"'s not true. It wasn't the same.

They played Desaparecidos as everyone was walking out and I was singing it because I was bored and lonely and some other kid was singing it and I got a high five, so that was exciting. Then I stepped in puke. Then we got outside and it was freezing and I couldn't breathe or walk or find my dad and I think I scared people but oh well. I feel better now. I've got a beautiful bump on my leg from Coheed's set, and now it kills to walk up or down stairs, which is just great. I took pictures of it, hurray! You can't tell in the pictures but it's a really horrendous thing and with all the yellowing bruises from Monday's show my left leg is just a horrible horrible mess and it seriously makes me want to cry when I look at it. I'm not gonna put up the pictures now because I'm in a rush because I have to take my brother to the doctor for some stupid fucking reason and then we're going to see Third Eye Blind and then I'm going to SLEEP for 8 million hours because I have no school til Monday, WEE!!! (I may edit this later...rock)

You can go here and watch the live video of From the Workforce, Drowning, from this show! I found it very exciting. You won't see me (*tear*) but you will see the bracelets I tried to steal, and plenty of crotch shots. And a large dove.

4:56 p.m. - 2003-11-24


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