arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


You would kill for this, just a little bit

I saw Third Eye Blind last night.

After I had to take my brother to the doctor and read spanish parenting magazines. It took forever. Then we ate at the McDonalds across from Marist and went to the Chance and cut Ashley and her friends (shh!). The line was ridiculous again...for Third Eye makes me happy in a way because these people all actually liked Third Eye Blind and sang all the songs and it seemed to me that back when I was obsessed with Third Eye Blind I was the only one on the planet. Anyway...

Kimya Dawson played first, which was awesome because I didn't know she was playing at all. She was so cute, and I thought she was awesome. I don't think Ashley was a fan. Oh well! We were sitting on the banister on the right side, by the way. It hurt after a while. Arion played bass for her and Brad played drums. It was wicked.

Josh Kelley played first. At first I didn't like him, the songs were kinda boring and normal but then he grew on me because he was such a dork and I love dorks. People wanted them to do a Michael Jackson song and so they did, it was really awesome. I think it was actually a Jackson 5 song....that oh baby give me one more chance song. Yeah. It was better when they were just like...jamming rather than playing songs. If that makes any sense. I also liked how he sang everything he wanted to say. The guy playing the little lap guitar thing made me think of the Bright Eyes shows and I wished I was at one. Oh well.

Then after some ridiculous amount of time, Third Eye Blind showed their bad selves. I also got pushed off my spot during that time, so then I made Randy come down with me. It was actually a relief to get off that thing. They played Crystal Baller, Anything, Wounded, Deep Inside of You, Never Let You Go, Losing a Whole Year, Graduate, Narcolepsy, Danger, Slow Motion, The Background, Motorcycle Driveby, Self Righteous, Blinded, Faster, Palm Reader, Jumper, Semi-Charmed Life, and God of Wine. I think that's all...

During Faster I called Kenny but I don't know if he got to hear it or anything. I just wanted you to hear your special song!

Stephan did Deep Inside of You acoustic by himself and it was so beautiful. He did Slow Motion by himself, too, and I basically flipped because I've never seen them do it live before. Their guitarist Tony must be a crackhead, I can't think of any other explanation. I can't even begin to describe what he was doing, either...but I know he added to my brother's enjoyment of the show. So that's something.

The whole show was amazingly awesome and I've never been too impressed with Third Eye Blind when I've seen them live. Stephan has a lot of energy for an 85-year-old. (OK so he's 39....close enough) He also looked very good. Damn old people. He does this weird thing where he just stares at the audience and it gets really creepy. He said we turned Third Eye Blind into a cult band, and he always wanted them to be a cult band (because I'm sure when they sold 5 million albums it really bummed him out, right?) but it was kinda true...I'd rather be in a band that can sell out a club filled with people who truly love every song you have ever written than be in a band with a few hit singles and sell out arenas for a few years.

He also said the last time they played the Chance (which was in May I think....or was it June?) they thought they didn't play very well so they were going to have revenge on themselves and "play the fucking shit out of this show." And they did. During one song Arion came over to my side and everyone went to grab him (including me, of course, because you all know how I love Arion) and I didn't actually touch him but this woman leaned over and grabbed me and she was like 45 and terribly scary and she was like "DID YOU TOUCH HIM?!?!??!?!?!" and I told her no and she wailed "BUT WHYYYYYYYY!!?!? YOU WERE SO CLOSE!!!!" haha...oh man...I almost died laughing.

Uhh....Stephan had a t-shirt and a scarf on it. It was a nice look. Very metrosexual! His hat had a picture of a nun in it. He told us it was Sister Wendy. I don't know who that is. The first song of the encore was the duet with Kimya Dawson, which was really cool. She had like...a skirt, I think it was, made out of those Ninja Turtle sheets that I used to have on my bed. It was so fucking awesome.

The show didn't end until after midnight and I really don't think I have anything else to say about it's really fucking weird that I was in 7th grade the first time I heard Third Eye Blind. That means I was 13. 13!!!! I also realized the last time I listened to Third Eye Blind was like a week after their last album came out which is almost 6 months ago and that's pretty depressing, too. I need to have a conversation with my 15-year-old self, because I think she was cooler than I am. Possibly more honest with herself. I don't know.

I slept till 1 today. Tomorrow people are coming over for karaoke hijinks and a trip to Danbury....then on Thanksgiving, Thursday are gonna be on Conan so all you fuckers better watch because it's gonna be awesome and I don't even think they're gonna sing Signals so YAY!

Yes, I like my moustache :)

4:17 p.m. - 2003-11-25


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