arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


Those eyebrows are outta control!

I fucking hate snow. It ruins everything. Getting to my finals tomorrow is going to be a pain in the ass. Not that I want to go, but it's kind of necessary. It's also necessary that I finish my Psych paper. I'm starting over...

We caught Saddam Hussein. How exciting. 4 more years of Bush. I can't wait. (Since I've been informed that it's difficult to tell when I'm being sarcastic, I will point out that this was meant to be sarcastic. Thank you.)

I have a laptop. I'm not touching it until finals are over. I ordered my iPod. I don't know when it will get here, but if gets here before Thursday I won't touch that after. I can save my toys until after finals. Maybe.

I guess I also have to save my Christmas shopping until after my finals, too. Nikki just reminded me of a good point...I'm buying crap for all these people for a stupid holiday that I don't even celebrate. But I did get a laptop so perhaps I should shush. Or go do my Psych paper.

Oh, one more thing. Desaparecidos aren't doing that Plea for Peace tour with Cursive anymore. They're also not making an album for this spring like they said. This bummed me out so bad. "Scheduling conflicts." Ahh, bite me, Conor. And then go make a Bright Eyes record. And then come to Poughkeepsie and play a show. And all would be forgiven. :)

No it wouldn't...Desa are awesome. I'm sad. If they break up...SOMEONE HOLD ME!

Haha...I drank Mountain Dew a little too early in the morning. *thumbs up*

12:28 p.m. - 2003-12-14


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