arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


What a bad day!

My mom just told me that I should make sure I don't cut my hair crooked, because don't I want a boyfriend?

Yeah, Mom, because my crooked bangs are the reason why I don't have a boyfriend.

My mother thinks I have a psychological problem because I like to cut my own hair and I don't care how I look. This kinda bugs me since I do care how I look. But at least now I know what she thinks about how I look, right?

And then she tried to make it out like she's the good guy because she's the only person who will be honest and tell me how shitty I look.

I tried to make my bangs uncrooked to appease my mother, but since I apparently don't know the difference between crooked and be the judge.

I need honesty people! Brutal honesty like the kind my mother so lovingly dishes out.

And here's another, just because it makes me laugh:

I know the hair isn't so hot. I can deal with that. What's the big deal in trying something new?? I don't think it looks that bad. Although now she's got me all troubled about it. As you can tell.

You know what adds to this awesome brother is going to see Return of the King tomorrow with a bunch of people I don't know. He invited me and everything, but...ugh. Seeing a movie for a high school girl that I don't knows birthday party just isn't my idea of a good time. So he gets to see it tomorrow, and when am I gonna see it? When it comes out on video I suppose. I'm so melo. Hold me.

On a happy note, I got all my Christmas shopping done. Even for my whore mother. Awesome. Oh yeah, and my finals are done. I just have to start working like a maniac now to pay for my iPod which I HAVEN'T EVEN GOTTEN YET!

Sorry, I just realized those pictures are disturbingly large. But I'm too lazy to shrink 'em. YOU LOSE!

10:02 p.m. - 2003-12-18


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