arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


I LOVE this movie!

Return of the King just might be one of my favorite movies of all time.

And I'm going to blab about it now because I really haven't any of the other times I've seen it. So suck it up, people. Here's the scenes that made it so freaking awesome:

- When Merry and Pippin get's fucking heartwrenching. It's probably one of my favorite scenes of theirs, which is saying a lot. I almost cry every time I see it. "You smoke too much, Pippin..." AWW!!!!

- When Aragorn sees that the beacons are lit, and he gets SO PSYCHED and runs like a maniac into Theoden, and then he gets all intense and scary and says "The beacons are lit! Gondor calls for aid!" It's so great.

- When Pippin sings to Denethor...what a purdy voice he has! And also the way they show the clips of Faramir and his men dying and sad. Except at the part of the song where he says through shadows, to the end (or edge?) of night, they show him and he turns his head, and I feel like I'm watching a Clay Aiken video. Anyway, then you got Denethor being nasty and gross with his food and then Pippin cries at the end and it's just a perfect scene all around.

- When the green dead guys (I can't recall their technical name) like...overtake one of the oliphaunts in the background of this scene of Aragorn just standing there being all funny.

- When Aragorn has everyone bow to the hobbits at the's lame, I know, but I want to cry every time.

- When Arwen and Aragorn finally kiss...I usually don't really go for those big final kiss things, but this one is just SO GREAT because you haven't really seen either of them let out their passion or whatever...I dunno, but I like it. Even though Aragorn looks about 147.

- When Pippin finds Merry out on...uhh...the fields of Pelennor, is it? Well's so sweet. And Pippin says he's gonna take care of him, so it's like that whole role-reversal thing, and it's just absolutely precious.

- Haha, precious reminds me...the scene toward the beginning where Gollum is talking with Smeogol about how to get rid of Frodo and is so fucking hilarious. "And that doesn't taste very nice, now, does it precious?" "Yes, up the stairs and then??" And then Sam attacks him and he gets a cut on his forehead and he sees the blood and yells out...soooo funny.

- When Gandalf smacks Denethor with his staff. I always forget that it's gonna happen, and am so gleefully surprised when it does.

- When Frodo is standing on the edge of that thingie at Mount Doom, and the look on his face is just so evil. And plus he's very dirty. Very dirty indeed.

- When Gollum is falling into the fire with the ring, and he has this look of pure joy on his face. It's like he's finally happy...his previous happy dance is also nice.

- When Frodo and Sam are on that rock, watching Mordor get flooded with the lava, and Sam is crying, and Frodo puts his arm around him and their heads are touching and he says "Good to be with you, Samwise Gamgee, here at the end of all things." It's a really beautiful moment, and probably the closest they ever got to each just seemed really natural, and I love it.

- When Gimli appears in the door after Frodo wakes up, and you think he's gonna go jump on the bed with Merry and Pippin...he doesn't, but the possibility is just so touching. I also am a fan of Legolas' dress in that scene.

- When Gandalf is telling Pippin that death isn't the end and starts talking about heaven or an afterlife or whatever it is that they believed on Middle's a really touching moment. The doors are being broken down, but everything is calm and quiet between the two of them. It's beautiful.

- When Legolas says "A diversion!" after Aragorn says they're going to distract Sauron. I crack up every god damn time. Thank you, Captain Obvious! It's even better than his classic "This forest is old...very old" line from way back when.

- When Legolas is running towards Aragorn to try and help him at the battle outside the Black Gate...he's so angry and it's one of the only times where you can actually read one of his expressions and see what he's feeling...he's just PISSED and it's great.

I'll stop boring you now. But...Legolas' jump of the little orc boat thing looks really funny, so if you see the movie, watch for that. And when this orc dropkicks another orc. Or goblin, or something.

The credits are really cool too, I never watched them until tonight.

So anyway, I went with my dad, my brother, and Maggie. Twas interesting, indeed. My dad went willingly, and enjoyed it. He even wants to watch the first 2 again. Wow. I'm fairly certain there was some stuff going on between the 2 lovebirds that I didn't wanna be seeing, but I was trying to ignore it. They fell asleep. That's right, the second movie my brother has slept through in as many days.

I have to work at 8am, so I bid you all farewell.

12:05 a.m. - 2004-02-01


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