arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


i'm a creepy stalker girl, yes i am

oh today...was an interesting day!

i woke up at like 10 to this crazy sound like someone was walking around our attic, which no one goes in cuz you have to like....climb all up in my closet and it's impossible. but yeah...i was concerned to say the least! turns out, some dude was just walking around our roof! and kinda peeking in my window a bit! which was creepy. it might have been paul...i was just waking up and didn't have my glasses on and wasn't very yeah. someone was walking around the roof of our porch.

i managed to actually get out of bed before noon, which was nice. i took a shower! then...ate lunch. and finished my english paper! two down, one to go!

then...i went to get randy and him and kenny came back here and...they played with the camera and we watched cky3! and...oh me and kenny did karaoke to...nsync! and...other stuff...i can't remember! oh man i found it highly entertaining though...

then at like...6:30 we went to go get nikki and then we went to the talent show at my old high school! oh man, we saw jenna and kevin and genna!! and various other people...just being around the high school again made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! OH AND WE SAW FRANK TOO!!!! haha...and jon...

so we donated our 5 bucks to YAR and went down into like the 5th row or something and sat with genna and jenna and kevin...not KEVIN, but another kevin. yeah. that one. and...then it started! was exciting. kevin's band got better! randy got some on tape...then the battery died, haha! they came back out later and did 2 more songs! and..they got third place.

during the intermission, my brother totally got killed by nikki's bag of street team stuff....oh it was such a horrible sound when it hit his face! but it was humorous, anyway!

then...we hung around there for awhile...didnt do much except generally act like idiots....I SAW THE KID WITH COOL HAIR!!!! he threw chapstick and it almost hit me, it wasn't being thrown at me, but it almost hit me anyway, i felt special. that was the other kid i liked back in high school, if anyone cares! I'M A CRADLE ROBBER!

hmm...then we went to the diner! and...that was pretty unexciting. then we went to nikki's house to meet her dog and we looked at this interesting catalogue of weird shit and...looked for the gay cock picture but it was nowhere to be found!!! a tragedy!

so now....i'm home...i watched the video a few times...and i must say...there are a few CROTCH SHOTS! it's pretty crazy.

tomorrow, i get to do 3 tapes for my mom, then go to my other job at 4! and i have a final on monday...a big one...that i'm completely unprepared for...ahh and the english papers due, all i need for that is a cover page though...the spanish paper's due tuesday, and i have my animal life final and my spanish final. on wednesday....IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!!! i be 19, YO! :) then music final. and then....i am done! WOOHOO!!!!

i'm so jealous of everyone else who's already done! :(

but brother still has over a month left...*giggle* it could be worse!

this is rambling and stupid and weird again! i should stop that! tonight was fun! mmmm goodnite!

1:06 a.m. - 2003-05-10


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