arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


this is your brain on drugs!

school makes me tired. thus, i prefer not to speak of it. i will say, though, that it is good to no longer be a freshman. freshperson.

in exciting news (to me and absolutely no one else, of course), i preordered the thursday cd today, which means i get this super cool lithograph. now, to be honest, i'm not sure what a lithograph is, but i know that shit's going on my wall. yay! i also get to download a new song that i haven't heard yet! but not yet...they said it takes 4 hours or something...bah! but later...yes...

and to continue in the theme of my horrible obsession, here is some...uhh...eye candy?

haha...its so small. and it really shows how much they love each other, right? you know what i noticed like 10 minutes after i looked at that picture? ANDREW'S NOT IN IT!!! poor neglected boy, they must REALLY not love him. i think he rocks. maybe he was in the picture, and the site just chopped him off to make room for the words they had on it or something. (i chopped the words out from mine, explaining why you can't see them...yeah)

uhh...i just watched lord of the rings! or...the two buy was PACKED at noon with people buying it. it was fucking insane. but yeah, i got it, fought with the playstation, and eventually watched it. i'm tired though, it was hard. but now it's only 5 and i have the whole night (or however long i can keep myself awake) to straighten up my room, do some reading for school, and practice the intro to cute without the e! (because i WILL have it down by tonight...the last chord is really tripping me up, i can play it, but it's hard getting my fingers to go to that chord from the one before it...but before, i couldn't even imagine playing either of those chords, so i'm pretty proud that i can at least play them now! this is a long...parentheses...)

blah blah, i'm so boring, i should've talked about school...maybe later!

4:58 p.m. - 2003-08-26


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