arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


tbs without john is like...a rainforest without rain! draining me, and the work hasn't even really started yet.

my psych teacher is fucking funny though, he was talking about men's low cut was so great.

i'm already lost in my chem class.

at work, i saw 2 people from my high school. one was all talking to me, and i totally didn't know that i knew her, i was ringing her up and she was asking how i was and stuff, so i figured she was just really friendly, but then she asked where i'm going to school now, and i was like..uhhh...and then i recognized her...and told her that i hadn't recognized her...and then she said she hadn't recognized me at first with all my piercings...but i only have the labret! i dunno, maybe i have a few more earrings since i last saw her, since that was over 2 years ago...well, anyway, yeah, she was always nice to me so she's cool.

haha...anthony and james were following liz (the girl i knew from high school) around the store because she was "hot" after they found out i knew her i was practically a celebrity...i'm such a winner!

the second person was this kid jon who was in my grade, he returned some paint brushes and bought new ones, and we talked a little, not too much, but after he left anthony said that guy was "macking" on me or something (i'm totally not down with the lingo) but i was so troubled....i was like NO that's jon! but yeah. so seeing old people is nice!

uhh...i have to do some work before i go to bed, and i'm super tired, and...tons of shit to do tomorrow...

oh, i finally got to hear the thursday song. had to do it on my brothers computer. piece of crap. it's an alright song. i think i'm being hard on it, since i listened to it while in a terrible mood. i read 2 reviews of this album, and they both say its like some stellar piece of art or something....but...the only evidence i've heard of that is for the workforce, drowning. oh well. and apparently, theres a piano duet on here?? what? duet with who? and does geoff attempt to SING? how is that not disastrous??

uhh...i apologize for talking about thursday again. i'm trying to stop writing about them since no one cares but...yeah. it's not happening. it's my diary, so fuck off!

just kiddin. have a nice night everyone!

11:05 p.m. - 2003-08-27


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