arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


This is a weird one, people...

val emmich is sexy. very very sexy.

thursday's cover of the sigur ros song 'ny batteri' is both funny, horrifying, and beautiful. you should check it out.

sigur ros is also beautiful. if you don't listen to them, you are silly and i probably hate you.

i have bangs now. i don't know what i was thinking.

i have a black cat named adam. my mommy bought him for me. he's not real.

i didn't do any schoolwork this weekend. not even one tiny little bit.

mics are for singing, not swinging.

bill cosby is old.

the disney channel is fucking cool. the guy from lizzie mcguire is cute as hell.

vaux is playing here november 6!

i don't think potheads make especially good company.

black socks are the shit.

i dislike nickelback so much that they actually make me physically nauseous.

i miss listening to bright eyes.

i didn't know robert stack was dead.

i've been considering starting to use capital letters and stuff when i write here.

Jim Shearer is the man. (He's MY man!)Ha, did you catch my Princess Diaries reference?? Did you???

Does it look weird, me using punctuation? I could get used to it, I guess. I do appear like I have received some sort of formal education.

Speaking of formal education, college fucking sucks.

I have a Communications paper due on Thursday. I haven't started yet. Awesome.

I have to read 2 novels this week for my 2 literature classes. I like my American Lit. class. I think my Women in Lit. class is somehow connected with Satan. When I figure out their relationship, I'll let you know.

I think about 7 different people have told me that the new Limp Bizkit album is surprisingly good. As if this will get me to want it or something. I have to wonder why people would waste their time listening to the new Limp Bizkit album when they could be listening to the wondrous sounds of Sigur Ros, Bright Eyes, Thursday, or Justin Timberlake.

I think I just decided that the capital letters thing is a keeper. Mainly because Justin Timberlake looks so cool written with capital J and T. justin timberlake is such a loser name, but Justin Timberlake, now that's fucking rock right there.

I think if I were to make ultimate fantasy band, Justin Timberlake would definitely be in there. Not singing, but maybe playing bongos or something. If he starts beatboxing, though, I'll have to have Bjork kick his ass. Not that Bjork is really in my ultimate fantasy band, but I saw this show on VH1 with Kenny today where Bjork was totally beating the shit out of this person, I guess it was a photographer or something. It was really fucking cool. So maybe I'll invite her along to be my band's security or something.

It's 12:30, and I am sleepy, and I have to pack my bag full of all the goodies I need for my 4 hour study time at school tomorrow. I have to do it now, because at 7 in the morning I'm about as alert as someone in a diabetic coma. I've never been in one, seeing as I don't have diabetes, but I imagine it sucks pretty hardcore.

In other news, I'm going to Atlantic City on October 5th! I'm super excited, like we're talking peeing pants here. It's not going to be some crazy exciting trip or anything, I'm going with my dad and brother for Christ's sake, but I have not been out of this town for 3 days in so long, and it's starting to kill me. I think it's the first time I've wanted to just get away from everything this badly. Usually I want to go on vacation to do stuff, but now I feel all old and I want to just have 3 days without being at school for 7 hours and then going to work for 7 more hours and then coming home and just being so fucking tired that all I want to do is sleep, but then finding out my mom needs me to type for her, RIGHT NOW, because it's really important and she's falling behind, and then, to top it all off, my car fucking breaks again and I have to have my dad and little brother cart me around like a goddamn kid.

I'm not complaining though. I know that whole paragraph thing there could be construed as one big complaint, but don't be fooled so easily! I've got it good and I know it. So let's all be happy and make love.

11:59 p.m. - 2003-09-21


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