arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


I do not read the reviews. No, I am not singing for you.

I just wanted to write a few things in here...nothing important, really, but I desperately need a break from that horrid Jane Austen book I'm reading.

The rain today at around 8:20 am was fucking ridiculous. I won't go into all the morbid details of my soaking wet jeans and Thursday hoodie which left black fuzzies on my arms...yuck!

My essay test in Women in Lit. didn't go quite as horribly as I expected, but my projected grade is about a C. I can't analyze literature, and I'm a pretty terrible writer. I miss Freshman Composition!

In better school news, I got a 92 and a 97 on my 2 Interpersonal Communication tests, and a 24/25 on my American Lit. test. I get my Chemistry exam back tomorrow, and I'm a little nervous.

I know absolutely no one cares about my classes, and I should probably stop blabbing about them and move onto another topic that you guys don't give a shit about.

I'm going to see R.E.M. with my dad next Friday. I'm still not sure how it all came about, but he brought up how he would really love to see them live, but he didn't think they toured anymore, and I informed him that they were on a tour, in fact they're playing Jones Beach with Pete Yorn on October 3. And now...we're going to see R.E.M. It should be exciting! I know I haven't listened to R.E.M. in awhile, but back in the day I really loved them! It's always nice to spend quality time with my dad. I can make him listen to Thursday in the car! (He hates them).

I'm listening to Lifted... right now. It's making me super happy! Helping me forget all the work I still have to do tonight, I guess.

I can't think of anything else to say...this has been longer than I intended. But once I start procrastinating, I just can't stop!

Just a little note to anyone who has talked to me recently...I'm super stressed out due to schoolwork and my jobs and stuff, and the fact that I have my period really is not helping matters, so if I'm not acting like myself, I apologize!

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their evening!

10:58 p.m. - 2003-09-23


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