arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


Can you hear the church bells ringing?

Wow, I know this is completely trivial to you all and everything, but Thursday sold 74,000 copies of War All The Time in its first week. That means they debut at #7 on the album charts! Of the whole country! That's like, fucking crazy to me. Their last album only ever got up to #178. Wow wow wow. I'm so happy for them!

If you're not one of the 74,000 people who understands how freaking cool this album is, you should go get it. All the cool kids are doing it.

I got about 2 hours of sleep last night again, and I'm so overtired that I'm starting to go crazy. However, I did get my work done. Except...I didn't finish reading Pride and Prejudice. I tried and tried, but I came up 30 pages short.

In my Women in Lit. class today, no one was answering the Professors question about something...for about 5 minutes there was just silence. I didn't know the answer, it was something about what happens to Mr. Bennet at the end of Volume II, which I didn't get to. Apparently no one else did either. She said raise your hand if you go that far. No one did. So she got pretty angry and told us to get out. We sat there for a little while, but she was serious. She said she couldn't teach people who don't do the reading. I actually felt really terrible about it, even though I know that I personally did my best to get the reading done. It's just that this woman is really nice and I felt like I had personally offended her.

Anyways, I left the building and sat on the steps outside to wait for Erin, and a girl named Aimee from the class came out and we started talking about how bad we felt about the whole thing. I was surprised Aimee hadn't done all the reading, because she's like...the super student, I guess. She seems really into the class, at least. We talked for a few minutes about how intense the class was. It's easily the hardest class I've taken yet, and I feel bad for her since she's a freshman in her first semester just getting bombarded with this shit.

Then the professor comes out and hears us talking about it, so she sat down next to us and smoked a cigarette. She was really frustrated that no one had done it, and we apologized, but she said it was nothing personal. She's used to people not doing the reading, but if more than half the class hasn't done it, she can't talk to them about it. Then we talked about other books and stuff, and she made us promise to finish Pride and Prejudice by Tuesday, and told us it gets a lot better.

So, anyway, that was kind of a long drawn out story, but the point is I feel a lot more comfortable about that class now. And, I will always do the reading in the future!

I came home after that. I didn't want to wait around for my 2:00 class. I told my mom that when I got home and she wasn't upset about it either, so all seems pretty cool right now. I'm going to take a shower and then maybe a nap, and then do some typing for my mom. It will be a nice relaxing evening, and I'm very excited.

I guess I should also be excited that I'm going to see Thursday tomorrow night, right? I'm really not. A few minutes ago I actually thought to myself...I really wish I wasn't going to that Thursday show tomorrow, I would really like to clean my room! Yeah, how messed is that? Maybe I've been trained to subconsciously think that Thursday shows are bad experiences, since the 2 I've been to in the past have been. Or maybe I just don't want to get the shit beat out of me tomorrow. Something to ponder!

Oh yeah, and e.e. cummings still rocks. I think I'm gonna put "anyone lived in a pretty how town" in here later, just because I love it so damn much.

Peace and all that good stuff!

12:27 p.m. - 2003-09-25


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