arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


Thursday are almost as cool as Lizzie McGuire

I actually wanted to write about the Thursday show as soon as I got home yesterday...but seeing as we actually didn't get home until 4:30 this morning, I was completely tired and couldn't do it. So here we go!

Before we left yesterday, I watched the Lizzie McGuire Movie with my brother, and I would just like to say that it rocks, probably the cutest movie I've ever seen. Not everyone feels the same way. Oh well! (Gordo gets some!!!!!)

Just so all of you know, Rhode Island (ironically, it's not an island at all!) is very far away from here. Traffic doesn't help! It took us forever to get there. It also didn't help that I forgot the directions to the venue. Randy called Sarah and had her go on Mapquest and get them for us, it was pretty funny. We got there about 7, and got on line. There was a pretty big line already. It was kind of boring for a while. Then this guy standing in front of us handed Kenny this little porn ad newspaper thing. Little did we know it would be the beginning of a beautiful friendship!

Or not. But, we did spend the whole night with that kid and his friend. We played with the porn thing for awhile (TIGHT HORNY TEENS!!!) and then James (that's his name, if you didn't figure it out) stuffed it in his pants. This kid was fucking hilarious, I'm telling you. His friend was even cooler, but I don't know his name. Oh well!

So yeah, these kids were from Mansfield, I guess. They were kinda surprised that we had come all the way from New York, but...who wouldn't be? Some cab drove by, and some crazy guy was dancing around in the back seat...I swear I almost wet my pants, it was so funny. Then there was the homeless guy who wanted a cigarette. He was awesome. Until he kinda collapsed over by the garbage can. It's still unclear whether or not he's still alive. Another crazy woman came by, asking for a dollar because her boyfriend fucked her over and left her here or something. Scary fucking people there. Some of those kids friends showed up and we were introduced as the out of state kids. Because we're cool like that. What's wrong with bull dykes??

Oh I forgot to say how the dancing drunk cab guy suddenly appeared right next to us. Scary stuff.

Anyways, we eventually got in, and the place was really cool. Kinda oddly set up, though. It was like...long and skinny across, instead of back and forth. If that makes any sense. We got up into maybe the third row, and then Randy, Kenny, and James went to buy shit, and left me alone with the other kid. I wish I knew his fucking name! But yeah, that kinda sucked. Uncomfortableness! They were gone like 10 minutes and the only thing we talked about was this little kid there with his parents. Yuck. One on one stuff freaks me out, we were both so uncomfortable, it really sucked. But then they came back and we were both like "what the hell took you so long!"

The first band came out, they were called Death by Stereo, and I thought they were really terrible. I honestly didn't like them at all. They were loud and...I don't know. Just not my thing. Fun to mosh to, I guess, but I don't mosh, so nothing for me. They played a song called "Emo Holocaust" which they claim to have written with Thursday, but...if Thursday had anything to do with that horrible song...I don't know. But it was a bad song. The guys seemed like assholes to me too, a few of them looked like they had ego problems. They were vulgar and loud! They made me realize how cool Thursday, because they make loud music that isn't stupid and they're not idiots and they don't scream for no reason, etc. So, in short, Death by Stereo pretty much disgusted me.

The next band to play was Year of the Rabbit. They had crazy amounts of talent, but I don't think this was the right show for them. They should be opening to for Radiohead or something. Their stuff is very slow and it's more focused on the music than...anything else. I don't know what I'm saying. They were really good, but I was bored. That's the kinda crap you sit down for. And their lights gave me headaches.

Before Thursday came out, the kids we were with starting chanting their name, and one of them, Vinnie, started chanting "Naked!" It was great. And at one point James just kinda popped up behind me and said "wet vagina!" So then his friend started screaming that. Never a dull moment!

Finally Thursday came on. I think it was after 11. As soon as the lights started going out, the people went apeshit and the pushing and dancing and moshing started and didn't stop for one second until they were totally done for the night. One guy screamed "LEAD SINGER!!!!" when Geoff came out. It was really funny, I guess you had to be there though. The first song they did was For the Workforce, Drowning. My ass got kicked. But it's all good. The songs they sang, in a mildly correct order:

For the Workforce, Drowning
Paris In Flames
Understanding in a Car Crash
Marches and Maneuvers
Cross Out the Eyes
Division St.
Standing on the Edge of Summer
How Long is the Night
Signals Over the Air
This Song Brought to You by a Falling Bomb
Jet Black New Year
War All the Time
Autobiography of a Nation

Before they sang Standing on the Edge of Summer, Geoff said "We just released a new record, and it's not the type of thing where we hope you like it, it's like it, or die." Then he said it wasn't him that would kill us, but Jamie from Hatebreed. He said this next song was probably Jamie's favorite, since it was so heavy. (Standing on the Edge of Summer is pretty slow).

The whole show was pretty intense. I lost my voice after like 3 songs, and I could barely breathe all night. It was SO hot. I was near Kenny, Randy, and James basically the whole night, but the other kids got lost in the shuffle. The pushing was pretty ridiculous, and I got slammed into this stupid pole a number of times, but it didn't hurt until this morning. I have so many bruises it's ridiculous. The mosh pit was behind me, I didn't even realize it was there most of the night.

It was such an amazing feeling to be in a club with that many people, and every single one of them is screaming all the lyrics to every song, even the ones that were just released last week. These kids are all awesome in my book!

I almost cried twice during the show. I know that's weird. The first time was during How Long is the Night. It's a sad song, but I think it probably had more to do with the last time I saw them, and what happened during that song. The second time was during This Song Brought to You By a Falling Bomb. That song is just Geoff and Andrew on the keyboard, and Geoff was just kneeling by the edge of the stage singing it. At the end, the last line is "This song has been brought to by a falling bomb", but on the CD he whispers the "by a falling bomb" part, and you can only hear it like...on headphones with a high volume, but when he got to that part last night, he took the mic away and just started screaming "by a falling bomb" over and over again, and the way he sounded...I don't know why, but it was so amazing.

It was so cool that Andrew was plugged in and stuff, I even heard him on a few songs! Not only was he playing the keyboard, he screamed a lot too. Tom didn't do much of that, which is disappointing. (Tom's my favorite screamer!)

Apparently, Geoff was wearing his Georgia shirt again (inside out, to try and fool us). Tucker had his plastic pants on again!!!

Geoff said some crap about how he knows it's weird that they're on the radio now but if we stick with them they'll always stay true to themselves and us or something. He said he's glad we can tell the difference between bands who mean what they say and bands who are just telling us what we want to hear so we'll buy their records. This bugged me for some reason, it sounded like a pretty high and mighty thing for him to say. But I'm probably overreacting. Geoff still rocks!

Geoff did...."sexy" dances during Signals. They were so sexy that I couldn't control my laughter. I loved his little robot-like moves, too. It's so weird to me that he has so much confidence on stage, because if you've ever seen him offstage he's like...this tiny quiet little thing, and he always looks nervous to me.

Oh man, he whipped out the mic stand for War All the Time. It was hardcore.

After the show was over, we had lost our little friends, so we couldn't say goodbye. It was tragic. I was totally hyper from the show, but eventually got tired. I had to drive for about 2 hours on the drive home, and I was basically falling asleep so my dad had to drive again.

So we got home at 4:30...and I slept till 1:30 today. And I'm still tired. And I have a killer headache. And I have all these bruises I don't remember getting. But...they were so good!! (Nikki, you're CRAZY!!!)

Today, I got called into work, but they promised me if I came in that I wouldn't have to work tomorrow, so I went. Our power went out, so we closed about 20 minutes early. I'm kind of behind on my school work, so I think I'm gonna get started on it.

Rock on, people! m/!

11:34 p.m. - 2003-09-27


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