arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


Jesus Tattoo!!!

I really feel the need to post this here for some's from Hard Music Magazine.

They're talking about the song Asleep in the Chapel and whether it's about Geoff being an athiest or whatever...

Interviewer - I respect someone who can say, "I don't know where I am with that"

Geoff - Yeah, that's totally where I am. The title of the song, in a way, it's like my version of a prayer. Even if you don't feel it, it doesn't mean it's not there. You could be "asleep in the chapel." You could actually be in something's hands, but not know. That's sort of the idea.

Interviewer - This really hits home with me, you know? I'm an artist. I'm a creator and in that sense, as a creator, do I believe in an even bigger creator?

Geoff - Right, right. And it seems almost instinctively that there has to be. You know, that you could even have a connection with another person. For me, the thing that's proven it the most - that maybe there can be - is the love that I have felt with the girl that I'm with. Because I can see in her something more than just the food chain, you know? I can see in her this spirit and this beauty that's not...

Interviewer - And suddenly there is more to everything...

Geoff - Right, absolutely. It's amazing.

(then there's a bunch of stupid crap about Christian bands that use that as a selling point...and now, this part made me crack up so much you have no idea)

Interviewer - I think it's a big flag to be waving, let alone to use as a selling point. Geoff, this was a big step for me, a big flag. (At this point I bring attention towards a realistic looking tattoo, on my right forearm, of Jesus' body after crucifixion)

Geoff - Oh wow, that's amazing work. That's beautiful

Interviewer - The artist did a great job. That was kind of my conclusion that, you know what...I'm going to pursue this and the whole Jesus Christ thing.

Geoff - Right, excellent.

Oh god...that made my day. Like, what the fuck do you do when the guy interviewing suddenly whips out his Jesus tattoo? Right, excellent. Oh man. And the guy's totally confiding in this guy from a band he hardly knows, that he's interviewing, for fuck's sake...excellent is definitely the right word.

I am a loser. I'm supposed to be working.

5:20 p.m. - 2003-11-19


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