arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


It's BEEN awhile (version 2.0!!!!)

I stole this from Ashley...I haven't done one of these in so long!


-- Name: Stacie

-- Birth date: 5/14/84

-- Birthplace: Poughkeepsie

-- Hair Color: brown/blonde...whatever color I want at the time...

-- Height: 5'8

-- Righty or Lefty: left hand is basically useless

-- Zodiac Sign: taurus


-- Your heritage: My dad's side is from Belgium! I think my mom's side is British, but not sure.

-- The shoes you wore today: grey puma's

-- Your weakness: cute guys...haha

-- Your fears: spiders, speaking in front of groups, my mother

-- Your perfect pizza: uhh just cheese probably

-- Goal you'd like to achieve: hmm....happiness?


-- Your most overused phrase on AIM: I think that would be....haha.

-- Your thoughts first waking up: what is that noise? (it's usually the radio playing puddle of mudd or nickelback or creed or one of the other 8000 bands that sound like that, all staticky like)

--Your best physical feature: oh lord...I like my eyes.

-- Your bedtime: I don't have one but I usually go to bed between 12 and 1 on school nights and maybe a little later on weekends.

-- Your most missed memory: when me and Ashley could entertain ourselves at the freakin mall for like 10 hours at a was that???


-- Pepsi or Coke: diet coke

-- McDonald's or Burger King: wendy's!

-- Single or group dates: group would probably be more fun

-- Adidas or Nike: adidas

-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: i don't like iced tea

-- Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate

-- Cappuccino or coffee: neither, yuck.


-- Smoke: no way

-- Cuss: yeah, too much.

-- Sing: I LIKE SINGIN!!!! haha honestly it's one of my most favorite things to do.

-- Take a shower everyday: unless i'm sick or running late.

-- Have a crush: always.

-- Do you think you've been in love: nah

-- Want to go to college: already there

-- Like(d) high school: yeah it was okay, especially senior year.

-- Want to get married: not particularly.

-- Believe in yourself: usually

-- Get motion sickness: nope

-- Think you're attractive: I don't think I'm ugly but I don't think I'm attractive either.

--Think you're a health freak: Haha...definitely not.

-- Get along with your parent(s): I get along with my dad well, I can usually deal with my mom.

-- Like thunderstorms: I don't care either way.

-- Play an instrument: I can play clarinet...I can SORTA play piano and even less sorta play guitar.


In the past month...

-- Drank alcohol: nope

-- Smoked: nope

-- Done a drug: cold medicine, aspirin, and midol

-- Made Out: psh I get no action...the closest thing I got to action was when those guys at the Thursday show were humping me.

-- Gone on a date: no

-- Gone to the mall?: unfortunately...

-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: uhh...god no

-- Eaten sushi: nope

-- Been on stage: no i haven't.

-- Been dumped: no, i haven't had anyone to dump me.

-- Gone skating: hell no

-- Made homemade cookies: no my mom wanted me too though.

-- Gone skinny dipping: definitely not.

-- Dyed your hair: yeah.

-- Stolen anything: nope!



-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: not trashed, no. just impaired.

-- Been caught "doing something": i do nothing.

-- Been called a tease: never seriously

-- Gotten beaten up: nope

-- Shoplifted: haha....uhh...yeah.

-- Changed who you were to fit in: well i haven't changed my personality...but I may have lied about liking some things that I didn't like and stuff like that.


-- Age you hope to be married: if I do get married, I want to be at least 30.

-- Numbers and Names of Children: probably like 2 or 3...uhh....I like the name Adrian! and Liam! And for some reason Meredith.

-- Describe your Dream Wedding: uhh the city hall place where you just sign a paper or whatever.

-- How do you want to die: doing something cool...I have this feeling that I'm going to die at a Thursday show while they're playing Paris in Flames because of this dream I had where it got silent when they played that...but uhh....that would actually be a pretty cool way to die. Any way but a long terrible drawn out illness where everyone pities me and I look gross and slowly waste away.

-- Where you want to go to college: I go to school at SUNY New Paltz, I want to go to Rutgers.

-- What do you want to be when you grow up: something with psychology and kids...I have no fuckin clue.

-- What country would you most like to visit: Canada! but I've already been there so England or Australia or Scotland...


In a guy/girl..

-- Best eye color? green

-- Best hair color? anything but blonde...even though I have seen my fair share of sexy blonde boys

-- Short or long hair: long-ish

-- height: don't care

-- Best weight: skinny guys are sexy but I honestly don't care.

-- Best articles of clothing: tight jeans...perhaps ripped...perhaps a t-shirt of a band I like?

-- Best first date location: bright eyes concert. apparently they're awesome for making out (haha)

-- Best first kiss location: MY PENIS!


-- # of drugs taken illegally: none, unless you count drinking under 21.

-- # of people I could trust with my life: none

-- # of CDs that I own: a lot

-- # of piercings: 7 in left ear, 1 in right, labret, hopefully lip, soon!

-- # of tattoos: I think I've decided against the whole tattoo thing...mainly because I'd have a panic attack if someone came at me with a needle...I do have a few I kinda want though.

-- # of scars on my body: I don't have an exact 15? some were kinda self-inflicted...that sounds like I was trying to commit suicide or whatever, doesn't it? question!

-- # of things in my past that I regret: I regret nearly everything but I wouldn't change anything, really...

I've hardly slept the last 3 days. I go to bed feeling so tired and then I can't fall asleep. I toss and turn and listen to CD after CD and then when I finally DO fall asleep, it's only a half sleep and I keep waking up. It's driving me insane and I'm trying so hard not to fall asleep in my classes. It's ridiculous, and I hope it goes away.

And now I shall commence the work... Or edit this 2 seconds later and add this stupid little thing from Maggie's thingie because these questions are easier and also more fun. Haha... 1. Taking Back Sunday vs. Brand New
Probably TBS even though Brand New probably has more talent...Jesse seems like an egotistical asshole...everyone in TBS seems mad chill, yo.

2. Anatomy of a Ghost vs. Coheed and Cambria
Coheed because Claudio is sexy.

3. The Used vs. Thrice
Thrice...the guy from the Used is so ughhh

4. Thursday vs. My Chemical Romance
Oh ok let me think REAL hard about this one. Thursday. Yeah.

5. The Movielife vs. Fairweather
Never heard Fairweather, but I kinda like the Movielife.

6. Fall Out Boy vs. The Starting Line
I hate the Starting Line, and I've only heard one Fall Out Boy song...but I guess I'll go with them.

7. Atreyu vs. Shai Hulud
I am a loser and have only heard Atreyu. I did not like.

8. The Mars Volta vs. Sparta
Unfortunately I have to be honest and say Sparta.

9. Count the Stars vs. The Ataris
COUNT THE STARS BROKE UP! haha not that I care. I like the Ataris better.

10. Spitalfield vs. The Rocket Summer
TRS, for sure. That guy is so happy.

11. Saves the Day vs. Mae
Saves the Day I suppose...

12. Something Corporate vs. Straylight Run
Oh fucking hell. Something Corporate rocks me. Straylight Run has lots of potential. This is the first one that was hard! ...I'm gonna go with Something Corporate just because I actually own tangible CD's by them...

13. Chris Carrabba vs. Conor Oberst
Conor. Chris seems a lot nicer though. Oh well. (sexiness and talent beats personality in the real world, right?)

14. Doozer vs. Grover Dill
I heard Grover Dill and did not like.

15. Hidden in Plain View vs. The Early November
I plead the fifth because...I have heard neither.

16. Saosin vs. Alexisonfire

17. Alkaline Trio vs. Vendetta Red
A3 because the guy from Vendetta Red is a silly whore.

18. Glassjaw vs. From Autumn to Ashes
I saw Glassjaw live and thought they were crap. I know nothing about FATA.

19. The Anniversary vs. The Reunion Show

20. Yellowcard vs. Silverstein
never heard Silverstein. Yellowcard has some good songs, but alot of their stuff is your basic pop-punk crap.

21. Backstreet Boys vs. N'Sync
Nsync. Oh man there is so no contest there. The Backstreet Boys take themselves way too seriously. It was funny when they cried about that guy and his drinking problem though, HAHA!

OK I'm done for real now....

1:59 p.m. - 2003-12-02


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