arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


Pure unbridled RAGE!!! (or not...)

In the classic murder mystery episode of Lizzie McGuire, Kate tells Lizzie that Gordo is sick of being a doormat.

I am also sick of being a doormat.

And I absolutely love when I can use Lizzie McGuire to illustrate my point!

But that's beside the point...I really should have written this entry yesterday, when I was like...SUPER PISSED about the whole thing, because the entry would have been much more entertaining. But I didn't want to say anything I didn't really mean. So here goes...the whole sad story.

I was supposed to go see the Krock christmas show last night. Linkin Park, Blink182, 311, and Brand New. I was supposed to go with Ashley and Fernando. The tickets were really hard to get, and really expensive.

On Wednesday, Ashley tells me that Kenny is going instead of Fernando. On Thursday, Ashley tells me that her mom might not let her go because of the snowstorm. My mom had told me I could go, but only if I allowed her to drive me to the train station and pick me up.

Later Ashley said her mom would probably say no, but she wouldn't know until 11 the next morning. Then she told me that if she wasn't going, Kenny didn't want to go either. So basically, if she can't go, I'm all alone. She told me to invite Randy. I did. He was less than psyched, and I'm not into forcing people to go places with me. Because then they make pretty poor company. So I basically accepted the fact that we weren't going. I was okay with this, because I understand that things like the weather cannot be controlled, so you just have to move on. She called me at like 10:30 on Friday and told me she definitely couldn't go. Then she says she doesn't really want to go anyway. Okay...that's strange but whatever. I'm still being very adult about it and all that.

My mom went to go bring back her work around 12:30. She told me my brother had said he was taking the bus home, so I didn't have to pick him up. He didn't drive yesterday because of the snow. So at like 2:10 I get a phone call from him asking if anyone is coming to pick him up. My mom still isn't home, so I have to throw something on really quick and go get him. I get to the school around 2:20, and my brother and Kenny get into the car.

And Kenny asks me if I still want to go to the show tonight.

No, dipshit, I spent all that money because I thought it would be fun to mope around my house that night and think about how all these bands were playing and I wasn't seeing them.

He explains to me that Ashley just called him and her mom had apparently just changed her mind and decided she could go. They were going to take the 2:43 train. So did I still want to come?

Yeah, I still fucking wanted to come! There was never a time when I didn't want to come! But it was 2:20, my mom wasn't home, as far as she was concerned I wasn't going. I hadn't dressed right or showered or gotten ready in any way. And there's no way I could have possibly been on the train at 2:43. So I said no.

And I said it in a pretty pissed off way, so it would be known to all parties how angry I was about this. Apparently Kenny didn't catch this, because he almost immediately asks if I will take him to the train station.

Will I take him to the fucking train station??? Will I drive him there so he can get on a train and meet his girlfriend and go see the show without me???

No. I don't think so.

So he calls Ashley and tells her I don't WANT to go, and I CAN'T drive him to the train station. Which he got backwards, because I COULDN'T go and I didn't WANT to drive his ass to the train station. While he was trying to make up excuses as to why I couldn't bring him to the train station, I interrupted (rather loudly) that the reason I wasn't bringing him was because I didn't want to. He looked pissed off and shushed me.

Then he calls his fucking dad and asks him if he'll take him to the train station. His dad agrees. So basically, he was asking me to drive him somewhere when his dad was home. What the fuck?

So I drop him off (I don't think he even notices that I'm ignoring him, or that I'm pissed at all) and me and my brother go home. This is kind of sad but...I cried. I could have dealt with the fact that we weren't going, but I couldn't deal wiith the fact that I was the only one NOT going when I was originally the only one who was allowed to go. I wasn't crying because I wasn't going so much as because I felt like I had been shit on.

I realized my cell phone had one missed call, and it was Kenny's cell, so I called him back, hoping that maybe he'd missed the 2:43 and had to take the 3:43, in which case, I could go with them...but no. He had called me from the school earlier. So back to crying on the bed, because I'm pathetic. And that's the end of the story.

When Ashley's mother supposedly decided she could go, she didn't even call me. She only called him. This pisses me off quite a bit. The other thing...the fact that Kenny had said he wouldn't go unless Ashley went. Because, you know, I never do anything at all for him. I never lend him money or take him places or anything. I don't deserve anything from him, no way. I can't believe he had the fucking nerve to ask me to take him to the train station...

Anyway, I hope they had a reeeeeeeally good fucking time at the show last night. I personally had an AWESOME time having a discussion about the funniest parts of Conan Obrien...right.

10:42 a.m. - 2003-12-06


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