arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


Where the sun hits the sky

I got 10 hours of sleep last night. It feels so good.

With this 10 hours of sleep, it seems like I also got 10 hours of horribly strange dreams. They were all interconnected but also somehow separate.

The coolest one involved me, my dad, my brother, my grandmother and Nikki. We were in Atlantic City, I think, at some sort of benefit concert and the seats were just like these bleacher things. I was sitting next to Nikki and near my dad and brother and my grandmother was all the way in the back. Ryan Adams performed and then when he was done and it was all quiet (I guess we were waiting for the next band) my grandmother was complaining SO LOUD about how much he sucked and how hungry she was and how she wanted to go to McDonald's. This is funny because she doesn't even like McDonald's. Anyway, then Ryan Adams comes up into the bleachers to find a seat to watch the rest of the show and these girls in front of us squish over so he can fit and I was like NOOO I want him to sit next to me so I made Nikki squish but she was so not into squishing, and Ryan sat in front of us. It was all good thugh because he sat backwards and just talked to us anyway. Because we are awesome. Then I vaguely remember something about a football field with all these little booths and stuff from human rights groups...

Then there was a different dream (I think) in which Ryan Adams was hanging out with Phoebe and Rachel from Friends. How fucked up is that? But anyway, they both wanted him (like any normal female would) but he liked Phoebe better and went to her apartment (not her apartment on the show, but this really really nice one) and then Rachel went to her apartment (also very nice) and there were all these creepy people like that Agent Smith thing in the Matrix but actually I think they were just the FBI because she had been extorting money or something...

I think that was all there was to that dream...then there was one involving the kids from Full House and also Kelly Osbourne riding in a wagon. But that's all I remember. Then there was one with my interpersonal professor where he was giving us his big plastic thingie of change and he told us all to take a handful and there were lots of REALLY GIANT coins in mine.

So anyway...don't think less of me because I have dreams full of creepy pop culture figures.

My brother's at the Pegasus coffee house thing, my mom has disappeared, (which is good, because she has been flipping out all day) and I think I'm going to go to the mall all by my lonesome to pick up the new Ryan Adams CD and hopefully get some freaking Christmas shopping done because I'm definitely behind. Meaning I haven't started yet. I think December is my least favorite month. The good thing about having almost no close friends means all I have to worry about is family. My family is a bitch to shop for though...

1:20 p.m. - 2003-12-09


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