arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


This is a big yawn!

Oy...being back at work sucks.

After work Saturday, I went out to dinner with my family, and then after that watched Fellowship with my dad, who claims he didn't like it. Bah humbug! But we're still watching Two Towers tomorrow night, and going to see Return of the King on Christmas. So I'm pretty sure he's lying. Anyway, by the time all that was done, it was after 1 and I was damn tired so I only did a little bit of my mom's work before going to bed. Then Sunday, I tried to do more of my mom's work but I didn't finish, and then they called me into work early and everything got even more screwed up. I got out of work around 8:30, and Nikki asked me if I wanted to do something, and I did, so then I again did not do any work...yuck.

She picked me up (cuz she's can DRIVE now) and then we picked up Alex and his girlfriend and drove over to Kevin's house, where we proceeded to sit in his room and he showed us his various toys. Then we went all went back to Nikki's house to get Nikki's camera, and then dropped Alex and his girlfriend off, and then went to my house to get my camera, and then we went back to Kevin's house, and Marcelo, Mary (I think, haha) and some girl I don't know were there. And then we immediately went back out to get Jenna (who happens to live in my neighborhood, aka the place that we JUST were) and we got her and then went back and Marcelo and them were watching Titanic so we sat and watched Titanic til almost 3am. I haven't seen that movie in soooo long, it was kinda crazy. That scene where Jack is dying...I swear it's the fucking funniest thing ever. I really like the rest of the movie, and I think it's good, but...that scene is so bad.

Anyway, then I got home and did some more work and ate dinner and went to bed. I slept late today, and woke up like 20 minutes before I had to leave for work. Awesome. Tomorrow I have to work 9-4...yuck. But then I have 2 whole days off.

My plans for the evening are to do my mom's work and then wrap my Christmas presents. How exciting!

6:34 p.m. - 2003-12-22


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