arienettelyn's Diaryland Diary


I have a headache, and I'm panicking.

I'm freakng out, man.

Here's the thing...I start classes next Wednesday. That's all well and good, I've been bored out of my mind. However, until last night I basically forgot that I was taking a French class. But then I remembered and started freaking out.

It's not just any French class, it's a 400 level French class that isn't a class in the French language, but the French culture. See, that would be cool but it's taught in French. This would also be fine, but I'm realizing now that if it's TAUGHT in French any question asked of me must be answered by me IN FRENCH and papers will be in French and everything and I'm totally freaked out.

I did really good in French in high school, and I'm sure it will come back to me, but I'm guessing the other people in this class have spoken French more recently, probably taken it in college, not 2 years ago in high school...yucky. I don't remember any tenses except past...and maybe the imperfect...but the future and conditional is like....gone. And the only people I've spoken French in front of were my 2 high school French teachers, and I felt comfortable with them!

It's just a French class. I should calm down. I can always drop it if I suck. But...2 upper level French classes and I get a minor? That's pretty awesome...

I got a floopy skirt in Danbury yesterday! I don't know why I bought it, because it was a size smaller than what I take and was small. But I bought it anyway and it fits and I like it. We also stopped at this poster stand and Randy got an assload of posters. They had the Pirates of the Caribbean movie poster, so of course I had to get it. And they had they had this poster of James Dean and he's oh so dreamy. So yeah...more wasted money, hurray!

12:24 p.m. - 2004-01-12


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